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Author:  Hussra [ Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Lamby

Any creature who nips a bit out of Lena Dunham's behind deserves props:

Listen man, I know you don’t usually come to this site looking for information about Girls creator and world’s most obvious Oberlin alum Lena Dunham, but you gotta hear about this shit with the dog she gave up and the shelter that absolutely demolished her online.

This all started four years ago, when Dunham adopted a rescue dog named Lamby and wrote an essay about it in one of those standard, insufferable New Yorker personal essays that’s five million words too long. That essay, which included some fairly alarming details about the dog biting everyone (including Dunham’s boyfriend, who was already allergic to dogs to begin with), also included the curious tidbit that Lamby had three previous owners and three previous names.

Now, I’ve adopted a shelter dog, and all the shelter knew about my guy was where they found him. They usually can’t even give you an exact age when you get a shelter dog. You get a guesstimate. They were like, “Uhhhh, three?” So this was already weird well before Dunham went posting anal dog bite wounds to her Instagram.

Fast forward to June, when Dunham wrote a long post explaining that she had given up Lamby in March (or, in her words, sent him to “an amazing treatment facility in Los Angeles”) because of his aggression. Who needs four years to get rid of a dog? Who posts Instagram photos of that dog AFTER giving him up and then declares that “honesty is my jam”? LENA DUNHAM, that’s who. Dunham also claimed that Lamby “suffered terrible abuse as a pup that made having him in a typical home environment dangerous.” Again, how the fuck could she possibly know what happened to the dog as pup? It’s not like the dog can sit down next to you by a lake one day and be like, “This is really hard for me to talk about but…”

I am far from the only person to raise an eyebrow about this story. Yesterday, Suzy Byrne at Yahoo contacted a rep for the BARC shelter in Brooklyn, who proceeded to thoroughly, and beautifully, ruin Dunham’s shit: ... 1796715091

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