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Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner
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Author:  Harry Seaward [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

I made a post, yesterday, stating that the main reason I don't really care for Parkins (though he's not anywhere near the dive_for_the_power_button that a guy like Larry Holmes). He's smug, touchy, and ultra condescending....but, more than anything, I just don't find him likable. I don't knock him for his upbringing, but he's so astounded when someone (even after hearing his vocally staggered reason(s)) can still disagree with him ... I just don't care for his overall snarky, smarmy and sarcastic take on everything.

Anyhoo, during transition, today, I hear McNeil bring up some question (he got yesterday) about McDoink on the horribly overrated Can't Do It .... and wonders if Connor was ok with how he answered. Blah blah blah, Mac eventually says the thing he really likes about him is that he is likable (despite the long-winded non questions he asks).

I thought that was odd, but surely just a coincidence. But then, tuning in a bit later, I hear Parkins wow'ing the audience with his incredible fortune to have seen Jordan play "like, uh, 50 times" ... how appreciative he is. Mac said something, then Parkins says "well, I mean that's not likable, but what was I supposed to do ... tell my dad that I didn't want to go to games in 1997?"

I'm far from a regular poster here (guys like beardown truly keep me away), and oft times question how much the guys at the station actually read this joint, but it turns out you guys were like the late, great Jerry Orbach said in Dirty Dancing -- "when I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong."

Author:  Kirkwood [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

He's publicly stated he's open to conflict but when he gets his balls busted he's super sensitive.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Author:  RFDC [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Imagine that Harry suckwad comes back to tell us he doesn't like something. Shocking....

Author:  whiskey dick [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

We’ll always have a special place in our hearts for Harry Semen

Author:  GoldenJet [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Isn't there already a "I hate Parkins" thread?

Author:  whiskey dick [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

And no shortage of estrogen in this one based on his ability to quote lines from Dirty Dancing.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Here's a little bit for ya ...

Author:  Hatchetman [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Don Tiny wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Here's a little bit for ya ...

Can you imagine something like that happening on WSCR today? I'm sorry, when he stuck to sports, North was the best.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Hatchetman wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Here's a little bit for ya ...

Can you imagine something like that happening on WSCR today? I'm sorry, when he stuck to sports, North was the best.

Well, I laughed quite a bit during the "Fritzy's Night On The Town" bits.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Don Tiny wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Here's a little bit for ya ...

Can you imagine something like that happening on WSCR today? I'm sorry, when he stuck to sports, North was the best.

Well, I laughed quite a bit during the "Fritzy's Night On The Town" bits.

OK, I should have said, talking about ANYTHING but politics.

Author:  Harry Seaward [ Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

RFDC wrote:
Imagine that Harry suckwad comes back to tell us he doesn't like something. Shocking....

Ah, yes, beardown and RFDC. Apologies for not mentioning you, douchenozzle.

Author:  Bobfrom815 [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Don Tiny wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Here's a little bit for ya ...

That was great! I remember listening to it on my way to work and being stunned.

Author:  Regular Reader [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Bobfrom815 wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

Here's a little bit for ya ...

That was great! I remember listening to it on my way to work and being stunned.

I couldn't believe that either. If he'd only left political radio alone...

Author:  HawaiiYou [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Hatchetman wrote:
I apologize in advance, but I still miss Mike North.

North is good in doses and when he's sticking to just sports.

If he did an hour a week like murph does I think that would be fine.

Author:  cookie23 [ Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Will not fault the "silver spooner" north shore kids. They have no choice where they grow up. That said I was a big fan of Parkins with Spiegel, but he has kinda gone stale.

With holiday season have not listened much lately, but the show is kinda meh. I know Waddle and Silvey is meh as well, but they get on better national guests in my opinion.

That said, Danny is still a kid who I think will make adjustments and not blow it like Bernstein. Bernstein could have been another Greeny on ESPN, be national and wealthy beyond his dreams, but being a jerk and having extremist political positions put has him at 10-2 with a 20 year old hipster making hostage videos.

Author:  Chromosomes Enthusiast [ Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Harry Seaward wrote:
I made a post, yesterday, stating that the main reason I don't really care for Parkins (though he's not anywhere near the dive_for_the_power_button that a guy like Larry Holmes). He's smug, touchy, and ultra condescending....but, more than anything, I just don't find him likable. I don't knock him for his upbringing, but he's so astounded when someone (even after hearing his vocally staggered reason(s)) can still disagree with him ... I just don't care for his overall snarky, smarmy and sarcastic take on everything.

Anyhoo, during transition, today, I hear McNeil bring up some question (he got yesterday) about McDoink on the horribly overrated Can't Do It .... and wonders if Connor was ok with how he answered. Blah blah blah, Mac eventually says the thing he really likes about him is that he is likable (despite the long-winded non questions he asks).

I thought that was odd, but surely just a coincidence. But then, tuning in a bit later, I hear Parkins wow'ing the audience with his incredible fortune to have seen Jordan play "like, uh, 50 times" ... how appreciative he is. Mac said something, then Parkins says "well, I mean that's not likable, but what was I supposed to do ... tell my dad that I didn't want to go to games in 1997?"

I'm far from a regular poster here (guys like beardown truly keep me away), and oft times question how much the guys at the station actually read this joint, but it turns out you guys were like the late, great Jerry Orbach said in Dirty Dancing -- "when I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong."

:thumleft: Welcome back!

Author:  MHSPBGLHLG [ Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Jerry Orbach definitely was great!

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Parkins just told a story about one of the reasons he was so glad Alabama lost last night. He bought he and his wife (she want to Clemson) tickets for the 2016(?) National Title game that Clemson lost to Alabama, made a sizable wager on the game, and bought plane tickets so they could fly there. Clemson lost and he was mad because he spent so much money on everything and could have won so much money had Clemson won. Clemson winning last night was so satisfying for him because of that, and now "we" are the best team in college football.

Author:  Ron Wolfley [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Tad Queasy wrote:
Parkins just told a story about one of the reasons he was so glad Alabama lost last night. He bought he and his wife (she want to Clemson) tickets for the 2016(?) National Title game that Clemson lost to Alabama, made a sizable wager on the game, and bought plane tickets so they could fly there. Clemson lost and he was mad because he spent so much money on everything and could have won so much money had Clemson won. Clemson winning last night was so satisfying for him because of that, and now "we" are the best team in college football.

That's a pretty normal human emotion.

Author:  Kirkwood [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

for a gambling addict

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Ron Wolfley wrote:
Tad Queasy wrote:
Parkins just told a story about one of the reasons he was so glad Alabama lost last night. He bought he and his wife (she want to Clemson) tickets for the 2016(?) National Title game that Clemson lost to Alabama, made a sizable wager on the game, and bought plane tickets so they could fly there. Clemson lost and he was mad because he spent so much money on everything and could have won so much money had Clemson won. Clemson winning last night was so satisfying for him because of that, and now "we" are the best team in college football.

That's a pretty normal human emotion.

I understand why he would feel that way, but they way he told it was kind of obnoxious. Plus, it came on the heels of him giddily going on and on about how Clemson is poised to be the most dominant program in college football for the next 10 years (which may very well be true) that prompted McKnight to say "My enjoyment of Clemson's win just ended five seconds ago."

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

"Song for my Silver Spoon Stoner" is a great Stone Roses B-Side.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

You miserable Caller Bobs need some VIP treatment at SportCuts! Tell em TSSS sent ya!

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Tad Queasy wrote:
Plus, it came on the heels of him giddily going on and on about how Clemson is poised to be the most dominant program in college football for the next 10 years (which may very well be true) that prompted McKnight to say "My enjoyment of Clemson's win just ended five seconds ago."

They talked about this during transition today. I did not hear it, but apparently during Bernstein and McKnight today they talked about how Parkins' enthusiasm for X has the unique ability to make people hate X.

He has had that effect on me with Andy Reid and the Kansas City Chiefs. I don't dislike either of them but find myself rooting against them because Parkins is so annoying about them.

Author:  good dolphin [ Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Tad Queasy wrote:
Tad Queasy wrote:
Plus, it came on the heels of him giddily going on and on about how Clemson is poised to be the most dominant program in college football for the next 10 years (which may very well be true) that prompted McKnight to say "My enjoyment of Clemson's win just ended five seconds ago."

They talked about this during transition today. I did not hear it, but apparently during Bernstein and McKnight today they talked about how Parkins' enthusiasm for X has the unique ability to make people hate X.

He has had that effect on me with Andy Reid and the Kansas City Chiefs. I don't dislike either of them but find myself rooting against them because Parkins is so annoying about them.

Bernstein said that? That is exactly how I feel about Bernstein. I would hate puppies if he liked them

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

good dolphin wrote:
Tad Queasy wrote:
Tad Queasy wrote:
Plus, it came on the heels of him giddily going on and on about how Clemson is poised to be the most dominant program in college football for the next 10 years (which may very well be true) that prompted McKnight to say "My enjoyment of Clemson's win just ended five seconds ago."

They talked about this during transition today. I did not hear it, but apparently during Bernstein and McKnight today they talked about how Parkins' enthusiasm for X has the unique ability to make people hate X.

He has had that effect on me with Andy Reid and the Kansas City Chiefs. I don't dislike either of them but find myself rooting against them because Parkins is so annoying about them.

Bernstein said that? That is exactly how I feel about Bernstein. I would hate puppies if he liked them

Thank you! I forgot to add the irony of that coming from Bernstein to my post.

Author:  Franky T [ Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

They did a segment about racial equality when it comes to NFL head coaches and how white candidates are replacing black coaches this go-around. I texted to remind them that they replaced a black man to get the afternoon spot.

Author:  pittmike [ Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

That is lazy radio. NFL needs hard quotas. :roll:

Author:  vitoscotti [ Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likable? I say no to the silver spoon stoner

Franky T wrote:
They did a segment about racial equality when it comes to NFL head coaches and how white candidates are replacing black coaches this go-around. I texted to remind them that they replaced a black man to get the afternoon spot.

Something tells me no response?

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