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Review of Bernstein & Goff
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Author:  Curious Hair [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Dan has become Terry, all right, Terry like a fox (but not former B96 DJ Terry Foxx). He's letting Jason torpedo the show so when the ratings finally reflect how bad the show is, he can run to Mitch and explain that the situation has become (sigh) in a lot of ways ultimately untenable.

Author:  Juice's Lecture Notes [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Curious Hair wrote:
Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
I knew the show would be basketball-heavy, but I did not expect it to be as basketball-centric as it became. They had an expert on to talk about the Jazz-Clippers series, for the love of God. The weirdest part is, I'd like a show that talks more basketball, and was intrigued that the new afternoon show would have two guys who could converse in meaningful, non-Bulls discussions about the NBA. Then, early on, I realized that Dan and Jason go to that safety blanket so often, I'm basically listening to a Sirius NBA show.

Both hosts have worked themselves into a corner when not talking about the greatness of LeBron or Kevin Durant, too: Dan's radio shtick has evolved him beyond discussions of the various day-in, day-out play of both baseball teams in town, so baseball isn't going to light a fire under him until September, he hates the Blackhawks, is bothered by talking about the Bears and taking Bears callers, and from what I can tell doesn't watch college football beyond the top-billed marquee matchups. Goff appears to have the willingness to consume those products and knowledge to put on a radio show talking about them, but he too is more interested in moving souls than moving meters. So really, outside of basketball—which they are both passionate about—you have an afternoon drivetime sports talk show in a top market helmed by two guys that aren't all that interested in talking about sports.

That would be FINE, if the wackiness of peak-B&B remained. Once again, though, these guys appear to only be interested in talking about the important issues as they see them (race, race, race, gender equality, race, LeBron, brand awareness, front office schlepping, and race), and can't be bothered to crack wise or inject a pinch of comedy into their show.

Can't argue with any of this. Terry always recognized that he was first and foremost in the entertainment business and a particularly frivolous corner of it at that. Senor and Jason labor under the misconception that what they're doing is important, whether it's cribbing Deadspin's woke NBA blowjob of the day or explaining why Jerry Reinsdorf's business practices are Actually Good.

Also, I remember you doing a bit about bringing on a Jazz-Clippers expert and I thought you made it up. Or did you make it up and life imitated art?

I was doing some yard work when I heard them tease a guest coming on to talk about the series when it was going back to Utah, and I PTFB'd before they even got to the break. That then became my rallying cry for their ridiculous deep dives into NBA obscurity.

Author:  End B&B Please [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

I agree with a majority of what people have said: B&G is a dreadful listen. It's fascinating that in 6 months Bernstein has basically turned into Terry. I can't tell if it's because he doesn't care anymore and is done with sports talk radio, or if he really has just lost his fastball in trying to cater to a younger listener that he doesn't know how to cater to. I call Dan "Mr. Press Conference" radio. All that matters is winning the press conference. If you do that he's happy. Your team could be awful, and your plan could be completely fraudulent, but Dan will give you a pass if you have a good message and press conference. Meanwhile the dynasty of the NFL does what all great organizations do: not worry about giving the media any information and just going out on the field and winning games.

For the last 5 years or so I always have liked to listen to transition. When it was B&B I would occasionally podcast if there were funny segments (friday fung) or they had on a good guest. B&G I almost never download a podcast from. All you need to hear is the transition. Everyone on this board can essentially figure out the next 5 hours of the show based on the transition.

The other interesting dynamic (that others have picked up on) is the Spiegel and Parkins are legitimately jelling and turning into a good listen. Down the road we'll see what Mitch does (or if he's around to do something about it). But I think most objective listeners would agree that S&P are a much better show. The other part of the dynamic is that the Cubs have taken over the station and has made the afternoon show almost an afterthought because they're playing day games usually at least twice a week. So maybe it makes sense for the station to not worry about ratings in the afternoons because any two boobs they put in there will do well following a Cubs game. Certainly there's no way to objectively look at B&G's ratings during Cubs season... it's all completely propped up and fake numbers.

Author:  MartyD47 [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Curious Hair wrote:
Dan has become Terry, all right, Terry like a fox (but not former B96 DJ Terry Foxx). He's letting Jason torpedo the show so when the ratings finally reflect how bad the show is, he can run to Mitch and explain that the situation has become (sigh) in a lot of ways ultimately untenable.

Agreed, I don't think there is any way Dan sees Goff as a long-term partner and if the Cubs weren't propping up the ratings he wouldn't be there right now. From an artistic standpoint this show is awful and everyone (except Goff) knows it. In due time Mitch will do the dirty work and Dan will get a gold star for trying to bring diversity to the lineup and he will be paired with the host he wanted all along.

Author:  RFDC [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

MartyD47 wrote:
he will be paired with the host he wanted all along.

And who is that?

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Per Dan....if you don't subscribe to the Joe Sheehan newsletter, you're a dumb baseball fan.

Author:  Cashman [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

It took Goff a paragraph to ask Rizzo how his ankle was.

Author:  Ogie Oglethorpe [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Cashman wrote:
It took Goff a paragraph to ask Rizzo how his ankle was.

The Mike Mulligan school of interviewing

Author:  the ghost of t-dub [ Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Ogie Oglethorpe wrote:
Cashman wrote:
It took Goff a paragraph to ask Rizzo how his ankle was.

The Mike Mulligan school of interviewing

Sad to say but Goff makes Mully sound like Walter Cronkite or Mike Wallace...

Author:  metallica [ Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

the ghost of t-dub wrote:
Ogie Oglethorpe wrote:
Cashman wrote:
It took Goff a paragraph to ask Rizzo how his ankle was.

The Mike Mulligan school of interviewing

Sad to say but Goff makes Mully sound like Walter Cronkite or Mike Wallace...


Author:  Seacrest [ Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Peoria Matt wrote:
Per Dan....if you don't subscribe to the Joe Sheehan newsletter, you're a dumb baseball fan.

He said that three years ago when I last listened.

Author:  Martin [ Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

When Terry was out all last summer, I still enjoyed the Bernstein + rotating guest host shows. So I wasn't expecting a post Terry era to be that much different. I was actually optimistic when Goff was announced as the new co-host.

But like others have said, the essence of the old show is missing. Goff's talking and laughing over Dan is annoying. The excessive national NBA talk in the first few months of B&G was highly irritating and helped drive me away.

1pm transition used to be when I took lunch because that was either must listen radio, or at least promised to be a good segment. I now take my lunches at 12:30 and am slowly warming up to Spiegel and Parkins.

I think the main difference between last summer's shows (Bernstein and rotating guest co-host) and this summer's shows (B&G) is that Dan has less of a hold on the day-to-day vibe of the show. With Terry being a passive contributor, the burden of carrying the show was all Dan's to shoulder. With Goff, Dan doesn't have to carry it as much as he used to, and after doing so for so many years, I'm sure there is a part of him that feels somewhat relieved (and rightfully so).

Unfortunately, the end result is a less interesting show.

Author:  Beardown [ Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Martin wrote:
When Terry was out all last summer, I still enjoyed the Bernstein + rotating guest host shows. So I wasn't expecting a post Terry era to be that much different. I was actually optimistic when Goff was announced as the new co-host.

But like others have said, the essence of the old show is missing. Goff's talking and laughing over Dan is annoying. The excessive national NBA talk in the first few months of B&G was highly irritating and helped drive me away.

1pm transition used to be when I took lunch because that was either must listen radio, or at least promised to be a good segment. I now take my lunches at 12:30 and am slowly warming up to Spiegel and Parkins.

I think the main difference between last summer's shows (Bernstein and rotating guest co-host) and this summer's shows (B&G) is that Dan has less of a hold on the day-to-day vibe of the show. With Terry being a passive contributor, the burden of carrying the show was all Dan's to shoulder. With Goff, Dan doesn't have to carry it as much as he used to, and after doing so for so many years, I'm sure there is a part of him that feels somewhat relieved (and rightfully so).

Unfortunately, the end result is a less interesting show.

Bernstein might be relieved that he doesn't have to carry the show. But he's also annoyed with Goff at times. Sometimes when Goff goes off on a stupid/mundane story about his kid or eating pizza, Bernstein interrupts and goes to a caller to stop him.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Beardown wrote:
Sometimes when Goff goes off on a stupid/mundane story about his kid or eating pizza, Bernstein interrupts and goes to a caller to stop him.

Beardown wrote:
Larry: So, I'm done at NBC 5 and I'm hungry, Dan. Normally when I'm hungry I get something to eat. I'm not sure if other people do that. Anyway, what I did was I went to a pizza place. And I'm thinking, it's late,I'll get a table. Well, it was packed. So, thinking on my feet, I went to something called "The Take Out section". That's where I saw a guy behind the counter and I said, "Look, I'd like to order a pizza to go. Can you hook up a brother up?" And the guy behind the counter said, "Twenty minutes, dog". And I was like, "Great". So, what I did was wait the 20 minutes, got my pizza and then I went home. You're not gonna believe the rest of this story, Dan. I went home, opened the pizza box and ate the pizza.

Dan: Oy. We'll be back after this.

The good Beardown post.

Author:  Catire [ Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

The new show has been a disappointment to me as well though I felt Goff was a good TB replacement.

others have pointed out some of the issues (aka national NBA talk,) and Goff talking too much for his own good.
(hey, it's great you're a new Dad etc but I don't need hourly/daily "Jace" updates, etc.. I don't care)

something isn't clicking.. I felt Goff sounded better solo in Atlanta.

For me, it's really about the entertainment factor. I never listened to these shows for "sports knowledge".

Boers was completely UNIQUE, in that he was as zany as they come and he brought out the immature little kid in Bernstein.
I never knew Dan had that in him until Terry brought it out.

What I hear now is B....O....R.......I.......N......G

B and B was a must listen for me, every day.. via podcast. The new show is a complete meh.

what a shame.

I used to have genuine ROFL moments with Boers and Bernstein. I can't remember the last time I even chuckled with this show.

Author:  Jaw Breaker [ Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Catire wrote:
The new show has been a disappointment to me as well though I felt Goff was a good TB replacement.

others have pointed out some of the issues (aka national NBA talk,) and Goff talking too much for his own good.
(hey, it's great you're a new Dad etc but I don't need hourly/daily "Jace" updates, etc.. I don't care)

something isn't clicking.. I felt Goff sounded better solo in Atlanta.

For me, it's really about the entertainment factor. I never listened to these shows for "sports knowledge".

Boers was completely UNIQUE, in that he was as zany as they come and he brought out the immature little kid in Bernstein.
I never knew Dan had that in him until Terry brought it out.

What I hear now is B....O....R.......I.......N......G

B and B was a must listen for me, every day.. via podcast. The new show is a complete meh.

what a shame.

I used to have genuine ROFL moments with Boers and Bernstein. I can't remember the last time I even chuckled with this show.

Agree completely. Terry was the only thing keeping Dan's douchebaggery tolerable.

Author:  Catire [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Jaw Breaker wrote:
Agree completely. Terry was the only thing keeping Dan's douchebaggery tolerable.

but here's the thing. Dan could be hilariously funny himself. Terry brought that out of him.

Author:  Cashman [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

What was that odd transition yesterday? Goff talking about brotha's just now making money, and jews taking care of their own....Very odd....

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Bernsie was plenty funny and even ridiculous on his own even before Terry. This was on display with his early solo shows when he was part timing as well as reporter. No, can't blame Terry leaving. Something or someone happened to Bernsie some years ago and he changed. Based on my exterior perceptions of him I think it was completely calculated too. If not, then it is just him getting and crustier.

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Cashman wrote:
What was that odd transition yesterday? Goff talking about brotha's just now making money, and jews taking care of their own....Very odd....

As I do not listen I am guess from thsi thread that old Goff fell into some Jewish stereotyping and did not get called out for it.

Author:  DAC [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

Martin wrote:
When Terry was out all last summer, I still enjoyed the Bernstein + rotating guest host shows. So I wasn't expecting a post Terry era to be that much different. I was actually optimistic when Goff was announced as the new co-host.

But like others have said, the essence of the old show is missing. Goff's talking and laughing over Dan is annoying. The excessive national NBA talk in the first few months of B&G was highly irritating and helped drive me away.

1pm transition used to be when I took lunch because that was either must listen radio, or at least promised to be a good segment. I now take my lunches at 12:30 and am slowly warming up to Spiegel and Parkins.

I think the main difference between last summer's shows (Bernstein and rotating guest co-host) and this summer's shows (B&G) is that Dan has less of a hold on the day-to-day vibe of the show. With Terry being a passive contributor, the burden of carrying the show was all Dan's to shoulder. With Goff, Dan doesn't have to carry it as much as he used to, and after doing so for so many years, I'm sure there is a part of him that feels somewhat relieved (and rightfully so).

Unfortunately, the end result is a less interesting show.

I agree with everything you wrote here. I'll go one step further- it's not just less interesting but it's annoying as well. I have gotten to the point where I don't listen at all, have unsubscribed to the podcast, and if I'm driving I'll turn on ESPN in the afternoon rather than hear Goff pontificate about something I am not interested in. Spiegel and Parkins is what I listen to now every day and I even chose Spiegel and Holmes over B&G on Monday. That was a good show.

How wrong was I about the the new show? My first choice was always Rozner but I was optimistic about the Bernstein/Goff pairing. Little did I know what the show would become. I just hope Bernstein gets a new partner one day.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

pittmike wrote:
Cashman wrote:
What was that odd transition yesterday? Goff talking about brotha's just now making money, and jews taking care of their own....Very odd....

As I do not listen I am guess from thsi thread that old Goff fell into some Jewish stereotyping and did not get called out for it.

Pernicious myths are allowed as long as they come from the black host and not the south side schlub caller who actually pays money to consume the product .

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

pittmike wrote:
Bernsie was plenty funny and even ridiculous on his own even before Terry. This was on display with his early solo shows when he was part timing as well as reporter. No, can't blame Terry leaving. Something or someone happened to Bernsie some years ago and he changed. Based on my exterior perceptions of him I think it was completely calculated too.

Correct on all accounts, Mike.

Author:  formerlyknownas [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

pittmike wrote:
Bernsie was plenty funny and even ridiculous on his own even before Terry. This was on display with his early solo shows when he was part timing as well as reporter. No, can't blame Terry leaving. Something or someone happened to Bernsie some years ago and he changed. Based on my exterior perceptions of him I think it was completely calculated too. If not, then it is just him getting and crustier.

First five-six years together, there were hilarious.....great listen.

Author:  Beardown [ Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Review of Bernstein & Goff

badrogue17 wrote:
pittmike wrote:
Cashman wrote:
What was that odd transition yesterday? Goff talking about brotha's just now making money, and jews taking care of their own....Very odd....

As I do not listen I am guess from thsi thread that old Goff fell into some Jewish stereotyping and did not get called out for it.

Pernicious myths are allowed as long as they come from the black host and not the south side schlub caller who actually pays money to consume the product .

Exactly. That weird transition yesterday was Anti Semitic by the great Goff. Like you said, Bernstein accepts it if it's from black people. Goff and Jay Z are allowed.

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