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What will the 3 Experts do today?
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Author:  bigfan [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  What will the 3 Experts do today?

Yes, J Goff, Casual NBA viewer, Mr Danny CBA and Mr. "Last Game I attended was 1992" Boers.

They have all day to plan their angle , so which will it be?

Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

I think it will be something like this:

"There is no question LeBron is the best. We just wish he wanted to win as much as we want him to." He could score at will if he went to the hoop. He. just. doesn't. We can't figure out why. We're disappointed."

Author:  Brian's Mojito [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

The first choice is somewhat laughable, because Danny already said last week that something is wrong with the King. He questioned James then -- and I think he will do that Tuesday.
Also, Goff referred to LeBron as a bully.
Once again, just because they picked the Heat doesn't make them Miami fans, Big Three Fans for Mavs haters.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

duh, it's obviously the first answer. liddle danny beer-stine will muster all five foot three of his magnanimous strength to point out that are a pure basketball specimen lebron IS the best player in the game, however, he just hasn't developed that championship level killer instinct yet.

even tho michael won his first title in his 7th full professional season, he did so at age 27-28 methinks and lebron will be entering his age 27-28 type season next year, therefore lebron going directly from HS to the NBA means he didn't get any chances to play for the NCAA title against lesser competition, getting game-7 type experience for multiple games in the tournament over the span of 1-3 years, experience which michael jordan accrued during his UNC days.

it will be pointed out that ~7 years ago in HIS SECOND SEASON IN THE NBA, he singlehandedly led a group of bums to the NBA finals, only to get beatdown by the spurs. i can picture THE GOLF likely chiming in that lebron led a bunch of bums to the finals in his 2nd year, seeing as THE GOLF is always quick to mention "bums" as it's a throwback to oldschool white-guy vernacular/slang that gives him street cred in the mean streets of woodfield, perfectly complementing his inner-city cred by virtue of his blackness, which also lends itself to international cred by being able to play the belize card. basically, the goff doesn't need a little card-sized hunk of plastic with a magnetic strip on it to have credit with every walk of life: he just walks in and gives "the nod" and the recipient of "the nod" goes SLAP MAH FRO, THAT THERE BE THE GOLF!!! and he's a veritable american express black card in this game of life.

so yeah, basically, they're gonna say that it's a different game than it was in the 90s, defenses are different athleticism is different and lebron has basically led or helped to lead a group of bums to the finals twice in his first ~8 seasons in the league, and keep in mind he started right out of highschool, and MAYBE, but not likely short of moses malone (who joined a team with Dr. J and world b free amongst others, IIRC) nobody has come str8 out out of high school to singlehanded lead a group of bums to the finals in his second year in the NBA. it just doesn't happen.

so aside from arguing that lebron is younger and being that even jordan didn't have the kind of meteoric pressure the expectations thrust upon him by the BOO-YAH!!!! hype machine from his junior/high school days onward (raise your hand if you remember lebron's high school games getting aired nationally on ESPN2 back in the day) so lebron is in a situation where he can't win... if he ends up developing a clutch jumper that kills everyone and he's the best ever it'll be like "ho hum, we expected that from day 1, so what?" and if he does anything short of that he's going to have varying levels of relative haterade creeping up on him, much more so than michael jordan ever had.... keep in mind michael jordan was the #3 pick in the draft, as houston thought hakeen olajuwon as a HOF-talented big would be a better long-term investment than a shooting guard, and sam bowie was picked before him, whereas with lebron there was no doubt he was #1, and that was straight out of high school.

so from there, they'll defend his all-around game... they'll say he's more like magic as opposed to michael and once he adapts and adjusts to the otherworldly pressure on him he'll win titles. you'll be ASSURED that he will win multiple titles by an indignant danny beer-stine (in fact, i'd bet cash-money on that, along with goff chiming in to point out that lebron led a bunch of bums to the finals in his 2nd year, complete with incredulous pauses to ratchet up the dramatic emphasis on his point--- a technique covered in his personal bible, the book "sports talk radio show hosting for dummies") and from there you'll just get the different player / different era / different game arguments, talk about how while you do need at least 1 superstar and 2-3 super/stars overall to win a title you also need quality role players and the mavericks had that, then you'll hear about how dirk is unstoppable and jason terry had the playoff run of his life and the mavericks shot crazy good and had a historic playoff run and it was a fluke and they won't win it next year, and yeah.

in the end, no matter what, as always you know that dan beer-stine is right and you're wrong. he's not tuning into your sports-talk-radio show for insight/opinions/entertainment, you're tuning into his... and while he'll never say something like that directly, it's always inferred. terry will stumble around to agree with him, and THE GOLF will chime in and mention a tbeam chock full of bums and combine his statements with incredulous dramatic pauses that convey a message of "if you disagree with what i'm saying right here you're an idiot plain and simple" and then life will go on.

in other words, it will be business as usual in the 670 the score / dot-com universe.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

I am damned proud to have received an "F' in "How to Appreciate the N.B.A. and who to Cheer For In The Finals" from Professor Dan Bernstein in Basketball 101.

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Dan is off.

So its only 2 experts today.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dan is off.

So its only 2 experts today.

Is Dan Gutless, Heartless and Mentally Weak?
That's right, that's the Canucks and Luongo!!!!!

Author:  Flames24Rulz [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

I'll go with the Jet statement.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Aggravated Sox Fan Bob wrote:
I am damned proud to have received an "F' in "How to Appreciate the N.B.A. and who to Cheer For In The Finals" from Professor Dan Bernstein in Basketball 101.

:lol: someone get this hero a cape!

Author:  Brick [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Hopefully they mention how this also exposes the Bulls as a non-contender given how easily the Heat beat the Bulls.

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

I have a feeling "better than Butler-UCONN" may be uttered more than once.

Author:  spmack [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

You all do realize that Bernsy won't be in today, right?

Author:  sinicalypse [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

spmack wrote:
You all do realize that Bernsy won't be in today, right?

R-Truth was right... there is definitely a conspiracy going on here.

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Thanks for pointing out what I said aboot 5 posts up.


Author:  spmack [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Terry's Peeps wrote:
Thanks for pointing out what I said aboot 5 posts up.


My bad. Reading is a skill I am lacking right now.

Author:  Aggravated Sox Fan Bob [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

spmack wrote:
You all do realize that Bernsy won't be in today, right?

He can take the Summer off......He's been on such a roll.....Adam Dunn, Vancouver Canucks, Miami Heat.......

Author:  Terry's Peeps [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Dat's okay.

Author:  ZephMarshack [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Bernstein already killed himself because he was so humiliated by Beardown. The excerpt from "The Hollow Men" was his suicide note.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

You know, the Canucks are a bunch of mentally weak whiners and sissies. Their being a game away from a championship doesn't change that.

Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

sinicalypse wrote:
duh, it's obviously the first answer. liddle danny beer-stine will muster all five foot three of his magnanimous strength to point out that are a pure basketball specimen lebron IS the best player in the game, however, he just hasn't developed that championship level killer instinct yet.

Although he's off today, he'll have to address it eventually. I just can't see how he can keep insisting LeBron is the best without sounding more and more foolish. There are things besides a beautiful body that go into making a guy the best. At some point it's about performance. You have to let go of your hero and see him for what he really is. There are too many guys like bernstein out there. They're not really interested in the right answer. They're interested in the way they can argue and being right themselves.

I'm still trying to convince myself that Alydar was better than Affirmed. But I'd sound like a fucking idiot arguing with someone about it. And I'd sound like a complete douchebag if I lectured someone in a slow over-enunciating voice that it was true. There. were. other. factors. involved. Obviously, anyone can see Alydar was by far the more talented animal. At the time Steve Cauthen was the best jockey in the world. That contributed to the outcome in the many, many races where Affirmed finished in front of Alydar. :lol: :lol:

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
There are things besides a beautiful body that go into making a guy the best.


Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Curious Hair wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
There are things besides a beautiful body that go into making a guy the best.


Hey, I'm comfortable with my sexuality. If I weren't I'd have used a code word like "specimen". :lol:

Author:  oak forest blarney [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

So they were wrong on the pick, big deal.
However, they do have to address something. This notion that the Heat are going to be better in the years to come. Wade is getting older, cap issues and lack of picks can hinder that. I think the Heat, Bulls and Celtics better watch out for the Knicks. They have two stars(three if you count an aging Billups), draft picks AND Cap Room. Why would stars take less money to go to Miami when they can go to New York AND get paid?

Author:  walkrman5 [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
I think it will be something like this:

"There is no question LeBron is the best. We just wish he wanted to win as much as we want him to." He could score at will if he went to the hoop. He. just. doesn't. We can't figure out why. We're disappointed."

This exactly what they were saying last week. Pretty funny. Corey Patterson could have been a 5 tool player...he just didn't do it.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

spmack wrote:
Terry's Peeps wrote:
Thanks for pointing out what I said aboot 5 posts up.


My bad. Reading is a skill I am lacking right now.

It will eventually be your time to read and comprehend; right now, the Greater spmack upstairs said it wasn't your time now.

Author:  Beardown [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

With Bernstein off we'll have to wait until Tuesday to see what all 3 of them think.

Author:  denisdman [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

bigfan wrote:
Yes, J Goff, Casual NBA viewer, Mr Danny CBA and Mr. "Last Game I attended was 1992" Boers.

They have all day to plan their angle , so which will it be?

It sucks being a hater, but when you cheer for the Cubs and Bears, the best you got is rooting for other teams to lose. Go Bruins!

Besides, LeBron is so easy to hate.

Author:  Beardown [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Although Goff and Terry know enough of what Bernstein would do. They'll turn this entire thing against their callers. They'll tell us that we ruined the NBA finals. Yes, I think they'll make some snide comment that "racists" won or something like that. That it's a sad day in America because of that. Whenever they are wrong they go there. It's their safety cushion.

Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

oak forest blarney wrote:
So they were wrong on the pick, big deal.

As usual, it's a lot more than being wrong about something. It's ridiculing anyone who had a different opinion. It's the arrogant tone. The condescension and talking down to people. The self-proclaimed expertise.

I'm almost expecting li'l danny to say, "This. means. nothing. Seven games is too small a sample to decide anything. All this means is that the Heat would win if they had played more games. The. Heat. are. the. better. team. LeBron. is. the. best. player."

Author:  oak forest blarney [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What will the 3 Experts do today?

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
As usual, it's a lot more than being wrong about something. It's ridiculing anyone who had a different opinion. It's the arrogant tone. The condescension and talking down to people. The self-proclaimed expertise

It's also a radio talk show...and it's the B&B way to entertain while at the same time express their opinions WITHOUT lying or pandering. Its been 12 years we should all know this by now...

:D :D

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