Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Why I forgot this message board exists....
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Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Why I forgot this message board exists....

I thought I had completely forgotten about this MB, in fact I actually had, but an errant Google search for the "Listen Live" streaming link brought up the B&B message board from (ironically) the "Score670 fan site". I used to be a regular caller/contributor to the station, and once happened to spar off with a few idiots here back in the J Hood days of B&B. I believe my last engagement here was teeing off on some guy referring to Hood as a racial slur in an attempt to insult Bernstein. Fathom that a bit, yep you people are that dumb, you can't even accomplish ignorance without failing spectacularly. Not everyone here I would assume, but if your one who really has to ponder if I'm including them in my blanket statement of sorts, chances are your probably who I'm referring to. Pretty much everyone who's contributed to a B&B thread has contradicted themselves and shown their ass in one way or another. All of you ripping Dan for the whole twitter/boob remark scandal are just as guilty of objectifying women, (there's a friggen 'NSFW hot babes' section right at the message board homepage)

Which, btw, is all fine and good, I mean boobs are awesome, even someone with boobs knows that. It's the hypocrisy of "shame on Bernstein!" That make you all sound so stupid. Other trends I'm noticing;
The I can't listen to this crappy show/ but this remark made at 2:34 today really makes me hate Bernsie!"

Chiding Terry for having nothing of substance to say, or add to the show. Then quoting him word for word repeatedly

Some of you outing yourselves as anti-Semitic turds

Conspiracy theories of all sorts, the ones involving Abbatacola are especially dumb

The "Bernstein is the actual boss of the Score" are cute too. In fact, overall the very essence of this MB seems to be who can puke out the quickest "thought" without having to use things like logic, fact, or overall reality shape things
Honestly, like most everything, the reality resides in areas outside what's strictly black and white. Like - yea Bernstein is egotistical but he's also a bright guy. So is Terry when they occasionally poke his chair with the stick and wake him up, both of them have a very unique spin on being, really another sports fan that happens to get paid to talk about it for a living. I've met them before, along with Matty at a remote. Yes, Terry really is that weird, yes, Dan never shuts up, and yes Abbatacola really can drink - other than that, they were just really nice, down to earth guys.
I had to retire my original moniker almost 10 years ago when B&B decided they were done with caller nicknames, in fact my name is on the "Score caller/contributor" wall on this site. And I've listened to the station since 94, along the way I picked up some tips for all the "self loathing" Score fans out there. Two that come to mind immediately are if you don't like the station programming, turn off the friggin radio. Here's another one, if you hate Dan so much than don't follow him on any social media. You people make it too easy for him to have a laugh (at your expense)

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

1. Not sure anyone repeats anythinf teary says, expect "My guy tells me...." and "ughhh,, eehhhh"

2. I agree, don't listen if you really dont like it and I dont. Its not even a premeditated choice, its just bad and I turn it off. Appreciated a real thought, not one just to get idiots to call so he can rip on them....

3. Welcome Back....WHERE YA BEEN?

Author:  Dave In Champaign [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Strong take, welcome to the board

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Haha been turning my brain to mush with barley, hopps, bong resin, and sports talk radio ;)

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
Haha been turning my brain to mush with barley, hopps, bong resin, and sports talk radio ;)

Resin hits....big time waker and baker!

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
yep you people are that dumb, you can't even accomplish ignorance without failing spectacularly. Not everyone here I would assume, but if your one who really has to ponder

BTW, it's "you're" as in "you are".

Author:  badrogue17 [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
Haha been turning my brain to mush with barley, hopps, bong resin, and sports talk radio ;)

Wb Farvio.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
I had to retire my original moniker almost 10 years ago when B&B decided they were done with caller nicknames

No they're not.

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Went through a weird few months where Matty told me they were done with monikers but I was "grandfathered in" since I'd been using the moniker since B&B's beginning. Then I just stopped calling for several years and when I broke my silence Matty told me to just use my real name

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Peoria Matt wrote:
SnapzWagner wrote:
yep you people are that dumb, you can't even accomplish ignorance without failing spectacularly. Not everyone here I would assume, but if your one who really has to ponder

BTW, it's "you're" as in "you are".

Thanks, cause grammar perfection was the point of the whole thing

Author:  Nas [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

What was your moniker?

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....


Author:  Franky T [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Nas wrote:
What was your moniker?

Who cares?

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Franky T wrote:
Nas wrote:
What was your moniker?

Who cares?

I've been nothing but gracious, no need to be rude

Author:  ChicagoEd [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

The difference is simple. Most people here do not act like morally superior male feminists the way Danny boy does. He is a fraud and a hypocrite.

Author:  Douchebag [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Nobody here listens to the show, the daily multi-page threads prove this.

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

ChicagoEd wrote:
The difference is simple. Most people here do not act like morally superior male feminists the way Danny boy does. He is a fraud and a hypocrite.

I'm trying to understand what inspires threads upon threads of dissecting Dan Bernstein as a person, using feminism to gauge your distaste is kind of weird but that aside I guess I'm hearing - not to oversimplify it - but that he thinks he's better than everyone else. And if I may speculate further, maybe you people think that on the other end of the spectrum, when he wants to he goes in the other direction, out of his way to sound like "just one of the guys"?

Am I getting this right?

Author:  SomeGuy [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....


Author:  long time guy [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
I thought I had completely forgotten about this MB, in fact I actually had, but an errant Google search for the "Listen Live" streaming link brought up the B&B message board from (ironically) the "Score670 fan site". I used to be a regular caller/contributor to the station, and once happened to spar off with a few idiots here back in the J Hood days of B&B. I believe my last engagement here was teeing off on some guy referring to Hood as a racial slur in an attempt to insult Bernstein. Fathom that a bit, yep you people are that dumb, you can't even accomplish ignorance without failing spectacularly. Not everyone here I would assume, but if your one who really has to ponder if I'm including them in my blanket statement of sorts, chances are your probably who I'm referring to. Pretty much everyone who's contributed to a B&B thread has contradicted themselves and shown their ass in one way or another. All of you ripping Dan for the whole twitter/boob remark scandal are just as guilty of objectifying women, (there's a friggen 'NSFW hot babes' section right at the message board homepage)

Which, btw, is all fine and good, I mean boobs are awesome, even someone with boobs knows that. It's the hypocrisy of "shame on Bernstein!" That make you all sound so stupid. Other trends I'm noticing;
The I can't listen to this crappy show/ but this remark made at 2:34 today really makes me hate Bernsie!"

Chiding Terry for having nothing of substance to say, or add to the show. Then quoting him word for word repeatedly

Some of you outing yourselves as anti-Semitic turds

Conspiracy theories of all sorts, the ones involving Abbatacola are especially dumb

The "Bernstein is the actual boss of the Score" are cute too. In fact, overall the very essence of this MB seems to be who can puke out the quickest "thought" without having to use things like logic, fact, or overall reality shape things
Honestly, like most everything, the reality resides in areas outside what's strictly black and white. Like - yea Bernstein is egotistical but he's also a bright guy. So is Terry when they occasionally poke his chair with the stick and wake him up, both of them have a very unique spin on being, really another sports fan that happens to get paid to talk about it for a living. I've met them before, along with Matty at a remote. Yes, Terry really is that weird, yes, Dan never shuts up, and yes Abbatacola really can drink - other than that, they were just really nice, down to earth guys.
I had to retire my original moniker almost 10 years ago when B&B decided they were done with caller nicknames, in fact my name is on the "Score caller/contributor" wall on this site. And I've listened to the station since 94, along the way I picked up some tips for all the "self loathing" Score fans out there. Two that come to mind immediately are if you don't like the station programming, turn off the friggin radio. Here's another one, if you hate Dan so much than don't follow him on any social media. You people make it too easy for him to have a laugh (at your expense)

This guy "gets it".

Not to mention those that constantly chide Bernstein for his use of sources. There were plenty of people using that same tactic merely a few years ago. Daily threads were started by people on this board who claimed to have some inside knowledge of the inner workings of the score. Everyone had someone on the inside, to hear them tell it.

Numerous threads were started by people claiming to have inside knowledge about impending personnel moves and programming changes. This guy is out this guy is in. This hosts hates his partner or other hosts at the station. I know this because I have a guy who has a guy that works at the station. They were no better than Bernstein, yet now they openly criticize him for his use of sources.

Most of the personnel change speculation centered on two guys Goff and Drinky. They both were touted as the next great thing, until they weren't. Coincidentally, the advocacy of both occurred around the time in which they actively posted on this message board. They became pariahs only after they stopped posting. Goff became a cackling giggler that plays the race card all the time, Drinky a stuttering idiot who struggles to put a complete sentence together.

This is an aside to those that paradoxically hate listen, something that is also on its face stupid.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

long time guy wrote:

Goff became a cackling giggler that plays the race card all the time, Drinky a stuttering idiot who struggles to put a complete sentence together.

Thats exactly what those 2 are ltg.

Author:  long time guy [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

badrogue17 wrote:
long time guy wrote:

Goff became a cackling giggler that plays the race card all the time, Drinky a stuttering idiot who struggles to put a complete sentence together.

Thats exactly what those 2 are ltg.

I just don't remember people referring to them as that when they posted on the board. Back then the only two threads I followed were B&B and MJH. There were a number of people advocating for them to get their own show. Have they really regressed that much? Or is this what they have always been and the perception changed only once they stopped posting?

Author:  SnapzWagner [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

*tip my hat to LTG* good to hear someone gets it

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Douchebag wrote:
Nobody here listens to the show, the daily multi-page threads prove this.

This week's show threads:

8/24: 30
8/25: 0
8/26: 0
8/27: 0
8/28: 5

Maybe there were Sox games on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I wouldn't know because I do not listen to 670 anymore.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Curious Hair wrote:
Douchebag wrote:
Nobody here listens to the show, the daily multi-page threads prove this.

This week's show threads:

8/24: 30
8/25: 0
8/26: 0
8/27: 0
8/28: 5

Maybe there were Sox games on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I wouldn't know because I do not listen to 670 anymore.

A simple Internet search would answer that question; it's not some big friggin' secret.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Point is, with the exception of notable flare-ups, interest here is not as high as when the majority of the board liked the show.The hate-listening thing is overblown.

Author:  long time guy [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

Curious Hair wrote:
Point is, with the exception of notable flare-ups, interest here is not as high as when the majority of the board liked the show.The hate-listening thing is overblown.

The thread action generated by that show still trumps the combined thread action of all the other shows by a wide margin. The disparity is not as great as it used to be, but it does still exist.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
Peoria Matt wrote:
SnapzWagner wrote:
yep you people are that dumb, you can't even accomplish ignorance without failing spectacularly. Not everyone here I would assume, but if your one who really has to ponder

BTW, it's "you're" as in "you are".

Thanks, cause grammar perfection was the point of the whole thing

When "you're" calling out a message board on their "ignorance", it would probably help "your" cause to use proper grammar. Maybe I'm just old school.

Author:  Hockey Gay [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
I thought I had completely forgotten about this MB, in fact I actually had, but an errant Google search for the "Listen Live" streaming link brought up the B&B message board from (ironically) the "Score670 fan site". I used to be a regular caller/contributor to the station, and once happened to spar off with a few idiots here back in the J Hood days of B&B. I believe my last engagement here was teeing off on some guy referring to Hood as a racial slur in an attempt to insult Bernstein. Fathom that a bit, yep you people are that dumb, you can't even accomplish ignorance without failing spectacularly. Not everyone here I would assume, but if your one who really has to ponder if I'm including them in my blanket statement of sorts, chances are your probably who I'm referring to. Pretty much everyone who's contributed to a B&B thread has contradicted themselves and shown their ass in one way or another. All of you ripping Dan for the whole twitter/boob remark scandal are just as guilty of objectifying women, (there's a friggen 'NSFW hot babes' section right at the message board homepage)

Which, btw, is all fine and good, I mean boobs are awesome, even someone with boobs knows that. It's the hypocrisy of "shame on Bernstein!" That make you all sound so stupid. Other trends I'm noticing;
The I can't listen to this crappy show/ but this remark made at 2:34 today really makes me hate Bernsie!"

Chiding Terry for having nothing of substance to say, or add to the show. Then quoting him word for word repeatedly

Some of you outing yourselves as anti-Semitic turds

Conspiracy theories of all sorts, the ones involving Abbatacola are especially dumb

The "Bernstein is the actual boss of the Score" are cute too. In fact, overall the very essence of this MB seems to be who can puke out the quickest "thought" without having to use things like logic, fact, or overall reality shape things
Honestly, like most everything, the reality resides in areas outside what's strictly black and white. Like - yea Bernstein is egotistical but he's also a bright guy. So is Terry when they occasionally poke his chair with the stick and wake him up, both of them have a very unique spin on being, really another sports fan that happens to get paid to talk about it for a living. I've met them before, along with Matty at a remote. Yes, Terry really is that weird, yes, Dan never shuts up, and yes Abbatacola really can drink - other than that, they were just really nice, down to earth guys.
I had to retire my original moniker almost 10 years ago when B&B decided they were done with caller nicknames, in fact my name is on the "Score caller/contributor" wall on this site. And I've listened to the station since 94, along the way I picked up some tips for all the "self loathing" Score fans out there. Two that come to mind immediately are if you don't like the station programming, turn off the friggin radio. Here's another one, if you hate Dan so much than don't follow him on any social media. You people make it too easy for him to have a laugh (at your expense)

Cool. Your mom is a fat dyke. What you think of that?

Author:  Nas [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:

My guy! I remember you.

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why I forgot this message board exists....

SnapzWagner wrote:
ChicagoEd wrote:
The difference is simple. Most people here do not act like morally superior male feminists the way Danny boy does. He is a fraud and a hypocrite.

I'm trying to understand what inspires threads upon threads of dissecting Dan Bernstein as a person, using feminism to gauge your distaste is kind of weird but that aside I guess I'm hearing - not to oversimplify it - but that he thinks he's better than everyone else. And if I may speculate further, maybe you people think that on the other end of the spectrum, when he wants to he goes in the other direction, out of his way to sound like "just one of the guys"?

Am I getting this right?

What inspires you to know so much about the guys who like dissecting Dan? Beardown loves pointing out daily shortcomings, he enjoys it...simple.

Personally he bored me, I think he is a smart guy, but not nearly as smart as he thinks he is...and 2015 was the year of the lie, which drive me away.

It should be easy to just the leave the Score on all day, like or not like who is I know most have it is background noise to accompany their daily sloggings, but when it becomes fantasyland 'reporting' (Please spare me the commentary v reporting speech) I chose to turn it off.

Goff and Spiegs is nearing turning off radio. The giggles, the "Remember when you were a kid" and the Jason moral majority has had me turning the show off earlier and earlier.

If ESPN had a chicago morning show, I wouldnt even bother with the Score at this point.

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