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Why didn't DePaul hire Lavin?........
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Author:  Peoria Matt [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Why didn't DePaul hire Lavin?........

In between columns bashing the Score/Terry Boers, Jim O Donnell has an actual interesting nugget:

"Former ESPN maven Steve Lavin -- the new head coach at St. John's -- would not have accepted the DePaul job without ''a written guarantee'' that the university would construct an 8,000-9,000-seat ''hornet's nest'' near its Lincoln Park campus within three years"

Author:  good dolphin [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why didn't DePaul hire Lavin?........

I think Purnell is a better hire than Lavin.

Author:  SHARK [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why didn't DePaul hire Lavin?........

The SCORE's Laurence Holmes, a DePaul graduate turned radio analyst, told this story about Steve Lavin on his evening show. He didn't seem all that enamored with the former UCLA head coach when he was here calling the DePaul games for one of the ESPN family of networks based on what LoHo said. This was before Lavin took over the St. John's job about a week to 10 days ago.

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