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Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky?
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Author:  312player [ Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
FavreFan wrote:
Nobody here is underestimating luck or chance or whatever. You're simply overestimating it. That's it. It's not 100% luck and it's asinine to suggest it is.

I do think guys are underestimating chance, otherwise you wouldn't be as strident as you are here about the level of skill involved. I don't think the GMs who liked Tim Couch, Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith, etc., are bad GMs. They were unlucky GMs. They all had scouting reports in front of them that more or less said the same thing about each. They made informed decisions to pick those guys. They didn't get any ROI on those picks. I don't think they're bad at their jobs because they picked eventual busts.

Take Jerry Angelo. He surrounded Urlacher with a core of players that catapulted the Bears to the Super Bowl. Briggs, Harris, Vasher, Tillman, Berrian, etc. Then he didn't have much to brag about in terms of draft picks up until the point he was let go. What changed? Did he get dumber at drafting over time?
wdelaney72 wrote:
I'm pretty confident we can call the Front office of the New England Patriots more skilled than lucky.

FFS I'm a Sox fan and can even admit Theo Epstein is more skilled than lucky.

Carry on with your data....skill > luck

Are you saying the Patriots skillfully let the other teams in the league have 150+ chances at Brady in the draft before nabbing him with a 6th round pick?

I think it's pretty clear that Angelo couldn't identify or develope talent on the offense but was decent at defensive picks.

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky?

veganfan21 wrote:
In terms of constructing teams, as I've made clear in this thread, I do think drafting is more than 50% luck/chance. So many variables at play, both in terms of the actual players and their intangibles, but the actual crop of players itself. The Bulls had the no 2 pick the year Durant could have entered the draft right out of HS, but he went to school for a year and the Bulls ended up with Tyrus Thomas at no 2 instead. The next year KD goes no 2 to OKC/Seattle. I know KD could have gone no 1 even if he entered the draft in 2006 instead of 2007, but again it's about the crop of players available and there's obviously no control over that. Total chance..
Never mind

Author:  Don Tiny [ Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
FF says I'm dumber than a box of rocks.

The thread was over at this point.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

Don Tiny wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
FF says I'm dumber than a box of rocks.

The thread was over at this point.

Okay, I'll admit the data is meaningless. It takes skills to pick in the top 5 when LBJ, Wade, Melo, and Bosh are on the board. Those GMs worked harder and were better skilled than the ones who had a top 5 pick when Kwame Brown, Eddy Curry, and Chris Mihm were on the board.

Author:  long time guy [ Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:

A skilled GM with a nose for talent probably drafts Gasol over those two in that draft.

A skilled GM doesn't draft Darko over Melo or overrate Tayshaun Prince.

Skilled GM doesn't trade Kobe Bryant for Vlade Divac. Those are but a few examples.

A skilled GM doesn't draft Bowie over Jordan, doesn't draft Joe Smith over KG, doesn't draft Kerry Kittles over Kobe, doesn't skip over Jimmy Butler, and so on. I think I get your point.

Portland had Drexler at the time also and as I remember Bowie was the definitive choice of most Gms. It wasn't like he was a bum. Injuries derailed his career. It looks crazy in hindsight but at the time it was the correct choice.

Kobe and Kitties was tricky also. I never liked Kerry Kitties as a college player but high school guys were considered a crap shoot at the time.

KG Joe Smith is also another college vs high school thing. They weren't drafting high school guys back then and rather than bash G.S. it's better to commend Minnesota. McHale showed skill more than anything. Joe Smith wasn't a bust either. He wasn't KG either.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

It's clear: people who study this stuff says skill plays a minimal role in drafting players. Here's another older article: ... ut-chance/

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky?

leashyourkids wrote:
Every aspect of sports has more luck than most are willing to admit, especially when it comes to winning/championships.


Author:  long time guy [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
It's clear: people who study this stuff says skill plays a minimal role in drafting players. Here's another older article: ... ut-chance/

Still disagree. It's no accident that teams like San Antonio were able to identify Leonard Gonobili and Parker.

No accident that OKC was able to identify Westbrook Harden and Steven Adams.

When it's considered a reach it can't be luck.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

Everybody "identifies" players. The reason SA got those players is because the teams ahead of them didn't draft them first. That's not skill.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
Everybody "identifies" players. The reason SA got those players is because the teams ahead of them didn't draft them first. That's not skill.

This isn't a logical deduction. If a team identifies a player with a high draft pick it's because he has a high pick. If a team identifies a player with a lower draft pick it's because the other teams passed on him. You can't have it both ways.

There are certain guys that are good at identifying talent. Ainge is demonstrating that he is good at it also.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

long time guy wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
Everybody "identifies" players. The reason SA got those players is because the teams ahead of them didn't draft them first. That's not skill.

This isn't a logical deduction. If a team identifies a player with a high draft pick it's because he has a high pick. If a team identifies a player with a lower draft pick it's because the other teams passed on him. You can't have it both ways.

There are certain guys that are good at identifying talent. Ainge is demonstrating that he is good at it also.

I'd be great at "identifying" talent too if I drafted Jordan because someone else took Bowie, the first guy on my list. Now I'm a genius with a rep for identifying talent. Funny how that works out.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
Everybody "identifies" players. The reason SA got those players is because the teams ahead of them didn't draft them first. That's not skill.

This isn't a logical deduction. If a team identifies a player with a high draft pick it's because he has a high pick. If a team identifies a player with a lower draft pick it's because the other teams passed on him. You can't have it both ways.

There are certain guys that are good at identifying talent. Ainge is demonstrating that he is good at it also.

I'd be great at "identifying" talent too if I drafted Jordan because someone else took Bowie, the first guy on my list. Now I'm a genius with a rep for identifying talent. Funny how that works out.

The guy with skill would've drafted Jordan with the 2nd pick.

That is how that works.

Look at this year's draft Ainge id'd Tatum as the best player when the other 2 GMs didn't. That is why he traded down. He knew he'd be there.

The skilled GM would have known that Ball wasn't shit also.

GarPax also didn't luck into Markannen either. Everyone bashed them for not selecting Smith. Thus far it looks like they were right.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

long time guy wrote:

The guy with skill would've drafted Jordan with the 2nd pick.

That is how that works.

Interesting. So they have to know the future before making the pick.

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:

The guy with skill would've drafted Jordan with the 2nd pick.

That is how that works.

Interesting. So they have to know the future before making the pick.

Part of being a good GM is related to projection. So yeah they have to be able to project how good they believe that a guy will be. If not then they shouldn't be GMing.

Your argument seems to be that anyone can draft players. Anyone can't draft players.

OKC didn't get lucky with Westbrook or Adams. It would have been easy for Presti to play it safe and draft Kevin Love. Love was regarded as a better high school and college player than Westbrook.

Had he missed on Westbrook he'd have been crucified. He drafted him anyone.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

long time guy wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:

The guy with skill would've drafted Jordan with the 2nd pick.

That is how that works.

Interesting. So they have to know the future before making the pick.

Part of being a good GM is related to projection. So yeah they have to be able to project how good they believe that a guy will be. If not then they shouldn't be GMing

Why did virtually every GM have Bowie as the second pick? Seems like they should have known better. Obviously?

Author:  long time guy [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:

The guy with skill would've drafted Jordan with the 2nd pick.

That is how that works.

Interesting. So they have to know the future before making the pick.

Part of being a good GM is related to projection. So yeah they have to be able to project how good they believe that a guy will be. If not then they shouldn't be GMing

Why did virtually every GM have Bowie as the second pick? Seems like they should have known better. Obviously?

Yeah they should've. That's what they get paid to do.

I don't know if every GM had Bowie as the Number 2 pick either. One of the reasons Portland passed on Jordan was due to Drexler. I remember reading that years ago.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drafting: Are the best GMs super talented or super lucky

long time guy wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
long time guy wrote:

The guy with skill would've drafted Jordan with the 2nd pick.

That is how that works.

Interesting. So they have to know the future before making the pick.

Part of being a good GM is related to projection. So yeah they have to be able to project how good they believe that a guy will be. If not then they shouldn't be GMing

Why did virtually every GM have Bowie as the second pick? Seems like they should have known better. Obviously?

Yeah they should've. That's what they get paid to do.


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