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mainstream media work forever
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Author:  IkeSouth [ Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  mainstream media work forever ... wtab-en-us
People are living longer, and daily life is getting more expensive. It may be time to rethink the timeline for leaving the workforce.

Handing in your proverbial badge as a sexagenarian has been the goal for many workers around the world: turning 65 would open a golden portal to retirement. Yet increasingly, the idea of stepping away from the workforce in your 60s doesn't seem realistic – or even sensible – for many people, especially now. Some major financial figureheads agree.

In March, investment-management firm BlackRock released its annual letter to the company's investors. Its CEO Larry Fink sounded a warning for workers hoping to retire – comfortably and financially secure – in their 60s. As global life expectancy grows, social safety nets fray and cost of living spikes, Fink warned that retirement at age 65 won't be possible for many, even most, people.

let's ignore the whales in the world that manipulate our standard of living :salut:

Author:  pittmike [ Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

Brick said it is all fine. 65-67 depending on birth is on point.

Biden is doing a “good job”.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

it should be 40, or 20 years of work, whatever comes first. that should qualify anyone to get $2500/month until they die. the idea is the same as the 40 hour work rule. it's basically saying half your time is devoted to the cause, the other half you don't need to worry about being homeless.

but it will never happen unless everyone in the world adopts it. so it will never happen. we are stuck in a accelerating spin cycle that is perpetuated by nuclear apocalypse.

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Apr 15, 2024 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

a good war should bring that life expectancy down to more manageable numbers

Author:  Tall Midget [ Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

Neoliberalism has found a solution to this: Life expectancy for white people without a college degree has been declining for the past couple of decades due to "deaths of despair": suicide, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.

No need for this group to worry about a retirement nest egg since they're increasingly being killed off by capitalism by the time they're 55.

White people win again!

Author:  IkeSouth [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

good dolphin wrote:
a good war should bring that life expectancy down to more manageable numbers

sadly, a good war would be nuclear, one that reduces the human population by 90%.

Author:  The Man [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

Covid had the potential to solve a lot of our issues but we decided we needed to save everyone. Pensions and social security would have been fixed if we would have just let the old people die. Politicians all think they have some great plan to solve those issues but when the fix was handed to them on a silver platter they all fucked it up.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

what fuckin potential did covid have? i thought we completely failed, and the endemic turned into a full blown pandemic. the result was nobody fucking noticed. anything we actually did was frivolous and more harmful to society overall. if there was any potential from covid, it was people are so desperate to be lemmings they might actually jump off a cliff with the right convincing.

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

pittmike wrote:
Brick said it is all fine. 65-67 depending on birth is on point.

Biden is doing a “good job”.

Are you blaming Biden for longer lifespans?

Author:  denisdman [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

Tall Midget wrote:
Neoliberalism has found a solution to this: Life expectancy for white people without a college degree has been declining for the past couple of decades due to "deaths of despair": suicide, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.

No need for this group to worry about a retirement nest egg since they're increasingly being killed off by capitalism by the time they're 55.

White people win again!

Wait white people are dying sooner and winning? Damn capitalism really is that bad.

Author:  Brick [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
pittmike wrote:
Brick said it is all fine. 65-67 depending on birth is on point.

Biden is doing a “good job”.

Are you blaming Biden for longer lifespans?


Author:  Hussra [ Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mainstream media work forever

Instead of giving retirees 2500 every month, give em their choice of weapon and a brick of rounds every month; with a requirement they return the spent brass at the end of the month to get their cash stipend and next month's ammo. rinse, repeat. bang-bang.

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