Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Vaccine thread
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Author:  Don Tiny [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

So you don't take your children to doctors or hospitals when they get sick?

Author:  Seacrest [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Don Tiny wrote:
So you don't take your children to doctors or hospitals when they get sick?

Keep doubling down on the false premises, strawmen and red herrings.

We've had this conversation here.

It takes a little more time, thought and courage to have a proactive approach to healthcare in our culture. I wish i was as healthy as our kids are.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

So, when the medical establishment says "get vaccinated", you don't trust them.

But when your kid gets some kind of acute illness that could quickly go from bad to worse, suddenly you have perfect and complete trust that you can take your kid to the hospital and the medical establishment will be able to reach into its bag of tricks and whip out just the right kind of medicine that will definitely fix everything.

Completely normal.

Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Seacrest wrote:
And an immune system that is well maintained is able to fight off many diseases on its own.

That's a different conversation though. There are certain diseases that aren't fatal where a vaccine may do more harm than good. Since I just got chickenpox within the last year, I did a lot of reading about the zoster virus. There is a school of thought that the increase in cases of shingles among older people is due to the use of the vaccine for chickenpox. In the past, people became immune through contracting the virus, when others around them contracted the virus at various times in their lives, it acted as a booster and immunized them from altered strains of the zoster virus. With the vaccine available, this effect does not work allowing zoster to reappear in the form of shingles later in life when it is more painful and more dangerous.

Author:  KDdidit [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Don Tiny wrote:
So you don't take your children to doctors or hospitals when they get sick?


Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Seacrest wrote:
Re-read the post.

A poster is alleging someone is arrogant and willfully ignorant for not vaccinating their child from a disease that he alleges was eradicated already.

Why would we need to vaccinate from a disease that was already eradicated?
How about "virtually" eradicated in the U.S.?
Prior to licensure of the first measles vaccine in 1963, virtually every person in the U.S. got the measles by age 20. Since the vaccine became available, there has been a 99% reduction in the incidence of measles. However, measles is still being “imported” from other countries.

Because of intense misinformation about MMR in the United Kingdom, MMR vaccine coverage has declined across Europe, resulting in outbreaks of measles and mumps in multiple countries, including the United States and Canada, and congenital rubella in the Netherlands and Canada. There were 140 cases of measles in the United States in 2008; more than three quarters of these cases were linked to imported measles from another country; most of the cases were unimmunized American children.

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Seacrest wrote:
When you have kids, get back to me.

If my son ever gets M,M or R, I'll let you know.
Let's hope he doesn't get Measles as an adult (or pass it along to one) because of this short-sighted decision.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

jimmypasta wrote:
Rubella (German Measles) can kill you amongst other things. I had it when I was a kid. Not something to fool with.

rubella? did somebody say rubella?

man i remember the good ol days..... shit what was it, 95-96 (paging JORR/doug/frank/etc) when the 'popes were ubiquitous at tower records and everything and you couldn't go 10 feet without stumbling across another giant display touting this album with little lines of acclaim like "AS HEARD ON Q101!" cuz they managed to get this song in regular rotation, let alone the local showcase/s with james van osdol and all that. yeah. hell weren't they on that $3 geffen "BUY PRODUCT" compilation which would likely nowadays equate to being the anonymous soundtrack of my early/mid-teenage-years but then they kind of disappeared real quickly and then i seem to remember around.... shit, 2003-04 or thereabouts some of my friends "re-discovered" them and they were awesome and a "great band" and "totally worth checking out" and etc etc, but alas it wasn't enough as they still broke up and went their separate ways..... that is until they reformed somewhere around 2008-10 i wanna say?

rubella will never die! and it will never cease to be one little part of the indelible soundtrack of my teenaged years from 94-97.

edit: for anyone who remembers that a4mentioned compilation, here's the one google image search result i can come up with for it's cover (as evidently BUY PRODUCT 2 got around more)


i wanted to actually download the compilation as a whole to recreate the vintage ~94-95/whatever Q101-soundtrack-to-the-background-of-my-life however i can't find said compilation as a whole, so thank god discogs has a listing for it so i can just get the songs individually (cuz they're all geffen artists so call it a hunch it wont be a pain in the ass / impossible to find like my old pluxus live bootlegs that i need to discover on CD or risk never finding again =( ) and then order them in the same way the CD did and yeah. nevermind. TL;DR.

Author:  Douchebag [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Good song.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari


Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Interesting some of you that rail against big business are supportive of one of the worst and most irresponsible (IMO) businesses around.

Author:  Douchebag [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
Interesting some of you that rail against big business are supportive of one of the worst and most irresponsible (IMO) businesses around.

Reality TV?

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Drug companies.

Author:  City of Fools [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Seacrest wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
If your kid gets any of those diseases, what do you plan to do at that point?

(love the "when you get kids" part ... so you're a vaccine expert far beyond my ability to understand because you ejaculated a load into your wife?)

His immune system will continue to do what it has been doing.

There is a better chance of you becoming a thoughtful and warm person than this is of our son ever getting the measles or mumps.

so it's only about your son? Not about anyone around him with a weakened immune system?

Author:  Don Tiny [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
Drug companies.

I'm sure your home is absolutely devoid of anything from the evil drug companies, nor do you ever use anything remotely connected to evil drug companies ... or do you have the secret gnosis as to which drugs are okay and which are not? If so, please share with the class.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari


Author:  Peoria Matt [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari ... ptionitis/

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Don Tiny wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Drug companies.

I'm sure your home is absolutely devoid of anything from the evil drug companies, nor do you ever use anything remotely connected to evil drug companies ... or do you have the secret gnosis as to which drugs are okay and which are not? If so, please share with the class.

We don't have or use much drugs in my house.

If you believe drug companies are mostly good, good for you. I don't.

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Drug companies.

I'm sure your home is absolutely devoid of anything from the evil drug companies, nor do you ever use anything remotely connected to evil drug companies ... or do you have the secret gnosis as to which drugs are okay and which are not? If so, please share with the class.

We don't have or use much drugs in my house.

If you believe drug companies are mostly good, good for you. I don't.
I believe scientists and doctors are both mostly good and worthy of trust over, say, a former Playboy model, or conspiracy blogger.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Drug companies.

I'm sure your home is absolutely devoid of anything from the evil drug companies, nor do you ever use anything remotely connected to evil drug companies ... or do you have the secret gnosis as to which drugs are okay and which are not? If so, please share with the class.

We don't have or use much drugs in my house.

If you believe drug companies are mostly good, good for you. I don't.

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

So you don't think the pharmaceutical industry has too much influence in our healthcare system? They don't hide negative studies or use questionable testing? They don't use lobbying to push the product regardless of whether the drugs they produce are good for patients. They don't lobby, pay drs, and are completely honest about their products?

Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
So you don't think the pharmaceutical industry has too much influence in our healthcare system? They don't hide negative studies or use questionable testing? They don't use lobbying to push the product regardless of whether the drugs they produce are good for patients. They don't lobby, pay drs, and are completely honest about their products?

Of course they do, but that isn't a good reason not to vaccinate your kids.

Author:  Chus [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
So you don't think the pharmaceutical industry has too much influence in our healthcare system? They don't hide negative studies or use questionable testing? They don't use lobbying to push the product regardless of whether the drugs they produce are good for patients. They don't lobby, pay drs, and are completely honest about their products?

Vaccines which are proven to be effective, are a bit different than newly created drugs, for which they have to invent symptoms/conditions to treat.

Author:  Scorehead [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Drug companies.

I'm sure your home is absolutely devoid of anything from the evil drug companies, nor do you ever use anything remotely connected to evil drug companies ... or do you have the secret gnosis as to which drugs are okay and which are not? If so, please share with the class.

We don't have or use much drugs in my house.

If you believe drug companies are mostly good, good for you. I don't.

Modern medicine is a marvel. What do you do if you have a headache, or a cold? Nothing?

Author:  Joe Orr Road Rod [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Scorehead wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Don Tiny wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Drug companies.

I'm sure your home is absolutely devoid of anything from the evil drug companies, nor do you ever use anything remotely connected to evil drug companies ... or do you have the secret gnosis as to which drugs are okay and which are not? If so, please share with the class.

We don't have or use much drugs in my house.

If you believe drug companies are mostly good, good for you. I don't.

Modern medicine is a marvel. What do you do if you have a headache, or a cold? Nothing?

I don't take anything for that shit. I'm hard enough on my liver already. I can gut out a cold or a headache.

Author:  Douchebag [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Scorehead wrote:

Modern medicine is a marvel. What do you do if you have a headache, or a cold? Nothing?

I don't take anything for that shit. I'm hard enough on my liver already. I can gut out a cold or a headache.

Same here, I rarely take anything unless I am in severe pain, which might be maybe once a year. I don't understand some people that are popping that kind of stuff almost daily.

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

I disagree. I vaccinated my kids for some things but choose not to for others, I delayed some shots. It's a parent's choice and I don't blame or ridicule for what ever choice they make as long as it is an educated one not a fearful one.

Those companies often don't know the full effects of things and have lied for years about other drugs. What is to say the same thing is not at work with vaccinations? There is all sorts of crazy shit in those things.

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Scorehead wrote:

Modern medicine is a marvel. What do you do if you have a headache, or a cold? Nothing?

Yes. Nothing often works too.

Author:  Chus [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Scorehead wrote:
What do you do if you have a headache, or a cold?

I take nature's pain reliever, cannabis.

Author:  KDdidit [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari

Spaulding wrote:
I disagree. I vaccinated my kids for some things but choose not to for others, I delayed some shots. It's a parent's choice and I don't blame or ridicule for what ever choice they make as long as it is an educated one not a fearful one.

Those companies often don't know the full effects of things and have lied for years about other drugs. What is to say the same thing is not at work with vaccinations? There is all sorts of crazy shit in those things.

Yeah, I learned about vaccines from the X-Files too.

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