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 Post subject: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:25 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:54 pm
Posts: 17129
Location: in the vents of life for joey belle
pizza_Place: how many planets have a chicago?
HHSOTD: here's your theme song / preferred background music for this post


ok guys, i hate to be a tease on the holidays and all that.... but you lot ere roughly 6 inches to one foot away from never having to ever read a sinicalyptical post in your life. no this isn't a crude thing to reference the size of my dad's hogl it has to do with the most annoying holiday on the yearly calendar: the fourth of july!

the fourth of july is essentially the quintessential summer classic of a holiday; unlike memorial day where it's like *wanking motion* ok the weather SHOULD be pretty good (73, 87, 62, 95, 88 over the last 5 years) and yeah you can barbeque and shit, it's all about some dead veterans (thats a bummer, dude) and the START of the "summer season" so yeah you take the day off and maybe thank some soldier for their service and if you're looking for an excuse to see <5-times-per-year friends-n-family well hey you got one get your grill on and etc.

the 4th of july is a bigger deal cuz everybody is looking for a reason to celebrate themselves. that's right, even tho it's "america's birthday" hey we are here and we WERE america (as now it's a corporate paradise and we're just kind of allowed to live here and we make the best of it. seeing as it's ~2weks past the summer solstice or equinox or whatever (june 21st = longest day of the year) the weather will be decidedly summer, the mosquitos will start to come out (cuz who doesn't wanna suck the life out of white people nowadays?) the grilling/drinking is in full effect and of course the most quintessential part of the 4th of july: EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!

yeah there's nothing quite like celebrating the default greatness of a country that doesnt have wars on its own soil (inb4 "war on terrorism" and now since NBC News reports white middle class americans are the #1 terrorist threat, welp, they've wanted to roll out the DHS army for quite some time so if white ppl are your #1 target well then in the immortal words of tran from that clip that they used to play on The Soup-- "here go hell come!") you're going to take this opportunity today on YEEHAW AMERICA DAY!!!! aka WE ARE THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!! day to blow up as many things as you can and make the place sound like a fucking warzone. the irony of that was never lost on me once i hit the age of reason/recall, however getting back to the 6-12" tease (again..... why is your mind in the gutter? =) i had already had a personal experience that soured me to the whole timeless institution of blowing shit up in the name of AMERICA!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!

when i was younger like aged 8-13 we used to go over to my 2nd-3rd cousons' house in elk grove. they lived a 5min drive from us, and it was our tradition to see thm every year (they were the "gross" cousins like you let them play your sega genesis once and the controllers were sticky for the next 4-5 days. i have no idea how the fuck they got so dirty to leave that kind of a fresidue on controllers, but they did. when we were a little bit older (like 13/9 for me-n-lilbro specifically) i can remember my mom having to stop over there to exchange coupons wiht bernie or something and me and my bro would stay in the car to avoid nicole and brittney, who would come running outside when my mom entered the door and we'd lock ourselves in the car while they desperately tried to do everything they could have short of breaking the glass to get in. what would they do if they got in? i have no idea. prolly just be like HEY WERE IN THE CAR WITH YOU... HAHAHAHHAHA!!! HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA OH MY GOD YEAH EVERYONE LET'S ALL BOUNCE TOGETHER AND SHAKE THE CAR..... i mean nicole was like ~2-3 years younger than me so she was in between me and my brother (4-5 years back) and brittney had to be 5-7 years back. nicole was always nuts like she was the token girl in the family who was like I'LL SHOW YOU MINE IF YOU SHOW ME YOURS and she'd drag me into the bathroom and show me how she peed and stuff. hell one traumatizing thing when i was a kid was when she found a birds nest in her front yard and grabbed the nest completre with ~4-5 little eggs in it and proceeded to smash them step on them and throw them up against the wall whil i was aghast; all those reasons and especially the sticky controllers = we always locked the doors and hid for dear life cuz neither of us wanted to be dragged down to their level.

hell, one of the later 4th of julys when i was like 16-17 i was hanging out with a few of my friends and nicole came up to us like "HEY LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS..... I'VE GOT WEED!!!" (she was on record saying my friend ray was "hella cute" and if you knew ray.... lol. just fucking lol. i always found it totally 100% pitch fucking perfect that the most foul smells in the universe came fdrom this dude's asshole because his farts were legit deadly (if we were in his car and he had a heroic fart lined up he'd often roll up/lock the windows and make us breathe it in, which led to gagging and could seriously lead to a heart attack / stroke / something ---- even if you had to go to the bathroom something bad you didnt go in the bathroom after ray for a good "thirty to fourty-five mintues... better yet, make it an hour!" - john witherspoon from friday.

so yeah the symbolism of him being a wholesale generator of the worst smells in the universe is awesome, and my lil cousin was such a whore i think she wanted him cuz she figured he'd be attainable cuz we had a legit pretty boy and a wannabe pretty boy in the group and then a guy we simply called "white trey" in the group (his family LITERALLY had a cable spool coffee tabll @ their trailer park home) and yeah..... she basically tried using the weed to roll with us cuz she wanted to fuck ray something fierce (she would outright admit it later. would you believe she had a kid by 17-19? lol that kid's proly 15-18 right now. goddamn how time flies) and we tried blackmailing her for the weed that we'd get her in trouble for having weed if she didnt break us off some,p so she learned her lesson and thankfully ray never managed to end up entring the outskirts of my family's gene pool so he can go fuck off and be too good to talk to me in his palacial estate in elgin with his heifer wife and his twin daughtrs. lol dude he grew up with a mother and 2 sisters

welp 4th of july circa ages 8-13 for me = we'd go over there and hang oout and run around like wild borneos outside (i remember playing tag witth my bro nicole brittney and some neighbor kid and her dad, already half in the bag and working on his next one, sees me chasing her to tag her and grabs me as i run and choke-holds me against the side of the house and says "IF YOU WANNA GET TO MY DAUGHTER YOU GO THROUGH ME, YOU GOT THAT MOHTERFUCKER?!?!?!"

i guess he really wanted his daughter to win at tag, eh?

welp at one point during one of these 4th of july hoedowns (before me and my brother tapped out on having ANYTHING to do with them) me and nicole and maybe britt and/or jeff decided to run down charing cross rd around the corner to the park at the end of the street. for whatever reason everyone was way ahead of me cuz i had to pee or hit the snack table again or something stupid, so i was like a minute or two behind so not wanting to be left out of the good times i took to running down the sidewalk as fast as i could to get to the park ASAP. while i'm running all of a sudden out of nowhere it's just like BOOM!!!!!!!!!AD;JFGAPSDJFG and a giant flash of hot hot light accompaniexd by a fireball that was roughly the size of my body blows up tight in my face only close enough to singe off like 1/4 of my bushy eyebrows/eyelashes. honestly i have no idea what the fuck i did right away, i think i must have stopped somehiow or the explosion/fireball was simply in front of me for a split second then went away..... but suffice to say it scared the living fuck out of me because i was likely 6-12" away from having the fireball hti me, and if it didnt blow up and melt at least half of my body like 2-face from batman maybe it kills me outright? i have no idea what happens when you get hit by an explosion like that and god willing i'll never find out even to that's the kind of intrepid reporting you guys have come to expect from your humble reporter and protagonist "telling it like it is" david kaplan style out in the field of excellence.

so after the near-getting-blowed-up, i look up at the house where this happened (cuz the M80/quarter-stick/half-stick/whatever was placed at the base of the tree between the sidewalk and the streeet in the villages' strip of land) and i see two teenagers/20somethings/etc quickly GTFO and run inside their house and close the drapes. young/er sini wasn't a vindictive sort and was happy-go-lucky and all kinds of pure and innocent, so the thought to tattle on them never crossed my mind as i regrouped myself and continued running to the park.... albeit this time along the curb on the street. after linking up with everyone and telling them an amazing story that they didn't have any interest in hearing in any way/shape/form (it truly is the story of my life)

i think it hit me later that night just what happened and how close i was to getting severely fucked up (cuz at the time you got adrenaline and little 10 year old hyperactive boy energy and RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH so you just kind of slide and roick on with the singed eyebrows cuz dammit you werent gonna be left behind and miss out on all the fun at the park, and that you certainly didn't. and from that experience onwards i always managed to be extra faclempt come july 4th and make sure i stay as far away as possible from explosions on the 4th, especially when there's alcohol involved as you traverse into/through the teenage years/20s.

and you know at every 4th of july party/gathering there's always one guy who drove to wisconsin/indiana/michigan/ohio/whatever to get the GOOD SHIT thats not legal in illinois.... and they get all hosed and bust out the fireworks cuz they gotta show everyone that they are that kind of explosive dude.... and they're usually an annoying asshole / total mug (the irony of me saying this RIGHT NOW is NOT lost on me btw =/ ) and they're all about BOOM BOOM BOOM cuz >MUH DANGER and >MUH BADASSEDNESS and >MUH LIVING ON THE EDGE and of course >MUH AMERICA..... FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rally they've just gone out of their way to get some festive props which they can brandish in public to show off that they're mr. 4th of july woohoo IF YOU'RE NOT THE LIFE OF THE PARTY YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF EVERYONE -- JAWBREAKER

but hey speaking of death, i stared it in the face when i was a kid thanks to the 4th of july and some people who had no good festive reason to blow up something so they just placed it at the base of a tree right next to the sidewalk and watched from ~30-50ft away and i'll be damned if i didnt nearly run into the explosion. i hope they got what thy wanted out of the experience cuz i have no idea how a country sounding like a warzone with explosions every few seconds = celebrating the fact that we used to be really free and now we've been bought and sold to corporate people (meaning corporations who are people) who will get down on some fascism at the very very top while we've all god communismn..... and hey white people are now the #1 terrorist threat in the usa (insert picture of confederate flag belt buckle cuz you know society as a whole [read: the media/TPTB] just up and decided no more confederate flag just because >MUH FEELINGS and likely >MUH PSYOP to start fucking with people who fit the generic mold of the "white american terrorist" (southerner. militia. there to "fight" for freedom and constitution. oldschool sensibilities re: patriotism/etc. ---- take away their flag and their symbol of a group of people coming together to stand up for somethiing they believe in, no matter how horribly wrong it might be, and take said symbol and arbitrarily get rid of it cuz "resistance is futile. obama's brownshirts army is a-coming. DHS has the equipment. jade helm has the ethos/logos/whatever-OS... and uhhhhh yeah.

ok fuck this tangent and fuck this message cuz all y'all already know i'm sufficiently tinfoil where it counts.... and hey just think if i wasn't a fat pudgy genus name homo-putzoafus and a step or two kicker i might have had the explosion hit me dead on and i woulda been TOASTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY like scorpion from mortal kombat and you never woulda had to read any of my posts here. c'est la fucking vie, no?

instead you lot are stuck with my bullshit so forgive the somber drunken solitude-in-public tongiht.... i always try to avoid going out on the 4th of july because the chances of randomly getting blown up are much much greater, and if you go to the city affectionatly known as "chi-raq", especially on the south and/or west sides.... man police must be going mental out there tongiht cuz i wonder how many guns are being shot in the name of "who can tell" ???

when random gunfire blends into the ambient background noise even when you're out in the suburbs.... man. wake me up when it's july 7th and everyone has shot their wad cuz there is nothing dumber than celebrating a country that's been sold down the river by blowing shit up en masse because OOOOH LOUD NOISE AND PRETTY SHINY FLASHY THINGS.... you know eho else is impressed by that kind of shit? BABIES! MOTHERFUCKING BABIES DUDE!

ok im really really odne now. fuck you 4th of july cuz even when you get rid of all my hackneyed "boo-hoo america used to be a wonderful country now it's a beautiful antiquated concept" shit you're still left with "i nearly died because some simpletons wanted to "celebrate america" by using its birthday as an excuse to blow things up for no reason at all. if i'm going to die at least let thre be a compelling reason.... not "OOOOH I WONDER WHAT THIS LIL DYNAMITE QUARTR STICK BLOWING UP WILL BE LIKE?!"

# sir talkstoomuch, esq.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:39 pm 
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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:17 pm
Posts: 7976
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I bonded with my neighbors who I don't usually party with, so KMA.

Not a mult.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:02 am 
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Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:54 pm
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Minooka Meatball wrote:
I bonded with my neighbors who I don't usually party with, so KMA.

hey dude... the parties? the bonding? the good times in nice weather and getting hosed/glinted and having a holy-day amongst the monotony of day-to-day-life? #Kept100 or whatever the kids tweet now. that's awesome in my book and i should perhaps take a second to clarify that i'm not anti-4th-of-july in terms of celebrating america and having an excuse to get your miley cyrus on (however literally that might be) and PARTY IN THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but randomly blowing shit up? fuck off with that stupid bullshit. yeah i'm biased cuz i nearly died or at least got severely fucked up from "HURR DURRR LET'S SEE WHAT THIS EXPLOSION LOOKS LIKE" but still, there's no need to have the ambient background noise of a warzone because it's america's birthday!

seriously it's now midnight which means the drunken middleaged-ppl are bringing out the big guns and every 5mins or so you hear a big thunderous crash that rocks the foundation of your house. OOOOH YEAH AINT THAT AMERICA (THE LAND OF THE FREE) ?!?!?!?!?

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:03 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:17 pm
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Drunken? Yes!

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 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:22 am 
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Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:29 pm
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I'm with you on the aversion to explosions right down to the connection to weird scuzzy kids who weren't to be trusted. My neighbor/best friend's older brother threw an M80 at my head once because he "wanted to see what would happen." They were the kids with easy access to drugs/alcohol, abusive dad, that whole familiar story.

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:40 am 
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We decided to start our yearly St. Josephs MI trip yesterday on the 4th. Never again. All the best from Michiana area flood the beach for free fireworks. We left before the fireworks because two fights broke out and also a water filled Gatorade bottle battle between 2 large groups. Very much like a scene from your typical YouTube big crowd video. I really hate people sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:44 am 
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sinicalypse wrote:
HHSOTD: here's your theme song / preferred background music for this post


ok guys, i hate to be a tease on the holidays and all that.... but you lot ere roughly 6 inches to one foot away from never having to ever read a sinicalyptical post in your life. no this isn't a crude thing to reference the size of my dad's hogl it has to do with the most annoying holiday on the yearly calendar: the fourth of july!

the fourth of july is essentially the quintessential summer classic of a holiday; unlike memorial day where it's like *wanking motion* ok the weather SHOULD be pretty good (73, 87, 62, 95, 88 over the last 5 years) and yeah you can barbeque and shit, it's all about some dead veterans (thats a bummer, dude) and the START of the "summer season" so yeah you take the day off and maybe thank some soldier for their service and if you're looking for an excuse to see <5-times-per-year friends-n-family well hey you got one get your grill on and etc.

the 4th of july is a bigger deal cuz everybody is looking for a reason to celebrate themselves. that's right, even tho it's "america's birthday" hey we are here and we WERE america (as now it's a corporate paradise and we're just kind of allowed to live here and we make the best of it. seeing as it's ~2weks past the summer solstice or equinox or whatever (june 21st = longest day of the year) the weather will be decidedly summer, the mosquitos will start to come out (cuz who doesn't wanna suck the life out of white people nowadays?) the grilling/drinking is in full effect and of course the most quintessential part of the 4th of july: EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!

yeah there's nothing quite like celebrating the default greatness of a country that doesnt have wars on its own soil (inb4 "war on terrorism" and now since NBC News reports white middle class americans are the #1 terrorist threat, welp, they've wanted to roll out the DHS army for quite some time so if white ppl are your #1 target well then in the immortal words of tran from that clip that they used to play on The Soup-- "here go hell come!") you're going to take this opportunity today on YEEHAW AMERICA DAY!!!! aka WE ARE THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!! day to blow up as many things as you can and make the place sound like a fucking warzone. the irony of that was never lost on me once i hit the age of reason/recall, however getting back to the 6-12" tease (again..... why is your mind in the gutter? =) i had already had a personal experience that soured me to the whole timeless institution of blowing shit up in the name of AMERICA!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!

when i was younger like aged 8-13 we used to go over to my 2nd-3rd cousons' house in elk grove. they lived a 5min drive from us, and it was our tradition to see thm every year (they were the "gross" cousins like you let them play your sega genesis once and the controllers were sticky for the next 4-5 days. i have no idea how the fuck they got so dirty to leave that kind of a fresidue on controllers, but they did. when we were a little bit older (like 13/9 for me-n-lilbro specifically) i can remember my mom having to stop over there to exchange coupons wiht bernie or something and me and my bro would stay in the car to avoid nicole and brittney, who would come running outside when my mom entered the door and we'd lock ourselves in the car while they desperately tried to do everything they could have short of breaking the glass to get in. what would they do if they got in? i have no idea. prolly just be like HEY WERE IN THE CAR WITH YOU... HAHAHAHHAHA!!! HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA OH MY GOD YEAH EVERYONE LET'S ALL BOUNCE TOGETHER AND SHAKE THE CAR..... i mean nicole was like ~2-3 years younger than me so she was in between me and my brother (4-5 years back) and brittney had to be 5-7 years back. nicole was always nuts like she was the token girl in the family who was like I'LL SHOW YOU MINE IF YOU SHOW ME YOURS and she'd drag me into the bathroom and show me how she peed and stuff. hell one traumatizing thing when i was a kid was when she found a birds nest in her front yard and grabbed the nest completre with ~4-5 little eggs in it and proceeded to smash them step on them and throw them up against the wall whil i was aghast; all those reasons and especially the sticky controllers = we always locked the doors and hid for dear life cuz neither of us wanted to be dragged down to their level.

hell, one of the later 4th of julys when i was like 16-17 i was hanging out with a few of my friends and nicole came up to us like "HEY LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS..... I'VE GOT WEED!!!" (she was on record saying my friend ray was "hella cute" and if you knew ray.... lol. just fucking lol. i always found it totally 100% pitch fucking perfect that the most foul smells in the universe came fdrom this dude's asshole because his farts were legit deadly (if we were in his car and he had a heroic fart lined up he'd often roll up/lock the windows and make us breathe it in, which led to gagging and could seriously lead to a heart attack / stroke / something ---- even if you had to go to the bathroom something bad you didnt go in the bathroom after ray for a good "thirty to fourty-five mintues... better yet, make it an hour!" - john witherspoon from friday.

so yeah the symbolism of him being a wholesale generator of the worst smells in the universe is awesome, and my lil cousin was such a whore i think she wanted him cuz she figured he'd be attainable cuz we had a legit pretty boy and a wannabe pretty boy in the group and then a guy we simply called "white trey" in the group (his family LITERALLY had a cable spool coffee tabll @ their trailer park home) and yeah..... she basically tried using the weed to roll with us cuz she wanted to fuck ray something fierce (she would outright admit it later. would you believe she had a kid by 17-19? lol that kid's proly 15-18 right now. goddamn how time flies) and we tried blackmailing her for the weed that we'd get her in trouble for having weed if she didnt break us off some,p so she learned her lesson and thankfully ray never managed to end up entring the outskirts of my family's gene pool so he can go fuck off and be too good to talk to me in his palacial estate in elgin with his heifer wife and his twin daughtrs. lol dude he grew up with a mother and 2 sisters

welp 4th of july circa ages 8-13 for me = we'd go over there and hang oout and run around like wild borneos outside (i remember playing tag witth my bro nicole brittney and some neighbor kid and her dad, already half in the bag and working on his next one, sees me chasing her to tag her and grabs me as i run and choke-holds me against the side of the house and says "IF YOU WANNA GET TO MY DAUGHTER YOU GO THROUGH ME, YOU GOT THAT MOHTERFUCKER?!?!?!"

i guess he really wanted his daughter to win at tag, eh?

welp at one point during one of these 4th of july hoedowns (before me and my brother tapped out on having ANYTHING to do with them) me and nicole and maybe britt and/or jeff decided to run down charing cross rd around the corner to the park at the end of the street. for whatever reason everyone was way ahead of me cuz i had to pee or hit the snack table again or something stupid, so i was like a minute or two behind so not wanting to be left out of the good times i took to running down the sidewalk as fast as i could to get to the park ASAP. while i'm running all of a sudden out of nowhere it's just like BOOM!!!!!!!!!AD;JFGAPSDJFG and a giant flash of hot hot light accompaniexd by a fireball that was roughly the size of my body blows up tight in my face only close enough to singe off like 1/4 of my bushy eyebrows/eyelashes. honestly i have no idea what the fuck i did right away, i think i must have stopped somehiow or the explosion/fireball was simply in front of me for a split second then went away..... but suffice to say it scared the living fuck out of me because i was likely 6-12" away from having the fireball hti me, and if it didnt blow up and melt at least half of my body like 2-face from batman maybe it kills me outright? i have no idea what happens when you get hit by an explosion like that and god willing i'll never find out even to that's the kind of intrepid reporting you guys have come to expect from your humble reporter and protagonist "telling it like it is" david kaplan style out in the field of excellence.

so after the near-getting-blowed-up, i look up at the house where this happened (cuz the M80/quarter-stick/half-stick/whatever was placed at the base of the tree between the sidewalk and the streeet in the villages' strip of land) and i see two teenagers/20somethings/etc quickly GTFO and run inside their house and close the drapes. young/er sini wasn't a vindictive sort and was happy-go-lucky and all kinds of pure and innocent, so the thought to tattle on them never crossed my mind as i regrouped myself and continued running to the park.... albeit this time along the curb on the street. after linking up with everyone and telling them an amazing story that they didn't have any interest in hearing in any way/shape/form (it truly is the story of my life)

i think it hit me later that night just what happened and how close i was to getting severely fucked up (cuz at the time you got adrenaline and little 10 year old hyperactive boy energy and RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH so you just kind of slide and roick on with the singed eyebrows cuz dammit you werent gonna be left behind and miss out on all the fun at the park, and that you certainly didn't. and from that experience onwards i always managed to be extra faclempt come july 4th and make sure i stay as far away as possible from explosions on the 4th, especially when there's alcohol involved as you traverse into/through the teenage years/20s.

and you know at every 4th of july party/gathering there's always one guy who drove to wisconsin/indiana/michigan/ohio/whatever to get the GOOD SHIT thats not legal in illinois.... and they get all hosed and bust out the fireworks cuz they gotta show everyone that they are that kind of explosive dude.... and they're usually an annoying asshole / total mug (the irony of me saying this RIGHT NOW is NOT lost on me btw =/ ) and they're all about BOOM BOOM BOOM cuz >MUH DANGER and >MUH BADASSEDNESS and >MUH LIVING ON THE EDGE and of course >MUH AMERICA..... FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rally they've just gone out of their way to get some festive props which they can brandish in public to show off that they're mr. 4th of july woohoo IF YOU'RE NOT THE LIFE OF THE PARTY YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF EVERYONE -- JAWBREAKER

but hey speaking of death, i stared it in the face when i was a kid thanks to the 4th of july and some people who had no good festive reason to blow up something so they just placed it at the base of a tree right next to the sidewalk and watched from ~30-50ft away and i'll be damned if i didnt nearly run into the explosion. i hope they got what thy wanted out of the experience cuz i have no idea how a country sounding like a warzone with explosions every few seconds = celebrating the fact that we used to be really free and now we've been bought and sold to corporate people (meaning corporations who are people) who will get down on some fascism at the very very top while we've all god communismn..... and hey white people are now the #1 terrorist threat in the usa (insert picture of confederate flag belt buckle cuz you know society as a whole [read: the media/TPTB] just up and decided no more confederate flag just because >MUH FEELINGS and likely >MUH PSYOP to start fucking with people who fit the generic mold of the "white american terrorist" (southerner. militia. there to "fight" for freedom and constitution. oldschool sensibilities re: patriotism/etc. ---- take away their flag and their symbol of a group of people coming together to stand up for somethiing they believe in, no matter how horribly wrong it might be, and take said symbol and arbitrarily get rid of it cuz "resistance is futile. obama's brownshirts army is a-coming. DHS has the equipment. jade helm has the ethos/logos/whatever-OS... and uhhhhh yeah.

ok fuck this tangent and fuck this message cuz all y'all already know i'm sufficiently tinfoil where it counts.... and hey just think if i wasn't a fat pudgy genus name homo-putzoafus and a step or two kicker i might have had the explosion hit me dead on and i woulda been TOASTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY like scorpion from mortal kombat and you never woulda had to read any of my posts here. c'est la fucking vie, no?

instead you lot are stuck with my bullshit so forgive the somber drunken solitude-in-public tongiht.... i always try to avoid going out on the 4th of july because the chances of randomly getting blown up are much much greater, and if you go to the city affectionatly known as "chi-raq", especially on the south and/or west sides.... man police must be going mental out there tongiht cuz i wonder how many guns are being shot in the name of "who can tell" ???

when random gunfire blends into the ambient background noise even when you're out in the suburbs.... man. wake me up when it's july 7th and everyone has shot their wad cuz there is nothing dumber than celebrating a country that's been sold down the river by blowing shit up en masse because OOOOH LOUD NOISE AND PRETTY SHINY FLASHY THINGS.... you know eho else is impressed by that kind of shit? BABIES! MOTHERFUCKING BABIES DUDE!

ok im really really odne now. fuck you 4th of july cuz even when you get rid of all my hackneyed "boo-hoo america used to be a wonderful country now it's a beautiful antiquated concept" shit you're still left with "i nearly died because some simpletons wanted to "celebrate america" by using its birthday as an excuse to blow things up for no reason at all. if i'm going to die at least let thre be a compelling reason.... not "OOOOH I WONDER WHAT THIS LIL DYNAMITE QUARTR STICK BLOWING UP WILL BE LIKE?!"

# sir talkstoomuch, esq.


I'm going to bounce from the spot for awhile but I will be back at some point to argue with you about this hoops stuff again. Playoffs have been great this season. See ya up the road.

I'm out.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:01 am 
100000 CLUB
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I love America. I wish everyone else did too.

Nas: Blago, who has single handedly destroyed CFMB?


"You can’t love your country only when you win." -President Biden

"I don’t care about you; I just want your vote.”
Trump '24

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:05 am 
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Independence Day is by far my favorite holiday.
It's the best. Grill and fiepit and beers and friends and great weather celebrating the birth of our nation... outstanding.

"Play until it hurts, then play until it hurts to not play." HOF 2013, MM Champion 2014
bigfan wrote:
Many that is true, but an incomplete statement.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:03 am 
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Nas wrote:
I love America. I wish everyone else did too.

I love what America could be and what it should be. What I don't love is the system that allows the pols to bankrupt our cities and states. No way would our founding fathers have gone for this. I can't imagine what our kids will have to deal with.

Darkside wrote:
Independence Day is by far my favorite holiday.
It's the best. Grill and fiepit and beers and friends and great weather celebrating the birth of our nation... outstanding.


"I honestly don't see a good bet on the board here."

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:15 am 
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sinicalypse wrote:
HHSOTD: here's your theme song / preferred background music for this post


ok guys, i hate to be a tease on the holidays and all that.... but you lot ere roughly 6 inches to one foot away from never having to ever read a sinicalyptical post in your life. no this isn't a crude thing to reference the size of my dad's hogl it has to do with the most annoying holiday on the yearly calendar: the fourth of july!

the fourth of july is essentially the quintessential summer classic of a holiday; unlike memorial day where it's like *wanking motion* ok the weather SHOULD be pretty good (73, 87, 62, 95, 88 over the last 5 years) and yeah you can barbeque and shit, it's all about some dead veterans (thats a bummer, dude) and the START of the "summer season" so yeah you take the day off and maybe thank some soldier for their service and if you're looking for an excuse to see <5-times-per-year friends-n-family well hey you got one get your grill on and etc.

the 4th of july is a bigger deal cuz everybody is looking for a reason to celebrate themselves. that's right, even tho it's "america's birthday" hey we are here and we WERE america (as now it's a corporate paradise and we're just kind of allowed to live here and we make the best of it. seeing as it's ~2weks past the summer solstice or equinox or whatever (june 21st = longest day of the year) the weather will be decidedly summer, the mosquitos will start to come out (cuz who doesn't wanna suck the life out of white people nowadays?) the grilling/drinking is in full effect and of course the most quintessential part of the 4th of july: EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!

yeah there's nothing quite like celebrating the default greatness of a country that doesnt have wars on its own soil (inb4 "war on terrorism" and now since NBC News reports white middle class americans are the #1 terrorist threat, welp, they've wanted to roll out the DHS army for quite some time so if white ppl are your #1 target well then in the immortal words of tran from that clip that they used to play on The Soup-- "here go hell come!") you're going to take this opportunity today on YEEHAW AMERICA DAY!!!! aka WE ARE THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!! day to blow up as many things as you can and make the place sound like a fucking warzone. the irony of that was never lost on me once i hit the age of reason/recall, however getting back to the 6-12" tease (again..... why is your mind in the gutter? =) i had already had a personal experience that soured me to the whole timeless institution of blowing shit up in the name of AMERICA!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!

when i was younger like aged 8-13 we used to go over to my 2nd-3rd cousons' house in elk grove. they lived a 5min drive from us, and it was our tradition to see thm every year (they were the "gross" cousins like you let them play your sega genesis once and the controllers were sticky for the next 4-5 days. i have no idea how the fuck they got so dirty to leave that kind of a fresidue on controllers, but they did. when we were a little bit older (like 13/9 for me-n-lilbro specifically) i can remember my mom having to stop over there to exchange coupons wiht bernie or something and me and my bro would stay in the car to avoid nicole and brittney, who would come running outside when my mom entered the door and we'd lock ourselves in the car while they desperately tried to do everything they could have short of breaking the glass to get in. what would they do if they got in? i have no idea. prolly just be like HEY WERE IN THE CAR WITH YOU... HAHAHAHHAHA!!! HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA OH MY GOD YEAH EVERYONE LET'S ALL BOUNCE TOGETHER AND SHAKE THE CAR..... i mean nicole was like ~2-3 years younger than me so she was in between me and my brother (4-5 years back) and brittney had to be 5-7 years back. nicole was always nuts like she was the token girl in the family who was like I'LL SHOW YOU MINE IF YOU SHOW ME YOURS and she'd drag me into the bathroom and show me how she peed and stuff. hell one traumatizing thing when i was a kid was when she found a birds nest in her front yard and grabbed the nest completre with ~4-5 little eggs in it and proceeded to smash them step on them and throw them up against the wall whil i was aghast; all those reasons and especially the sticky controllers = we always locked the doors and hid for dear life cuz neither of us wanted to be dragged down to their level.

hell, one of the later 4th of julys when i was like 16-17 i was hanging out with a few of my friends and nicole came up to us like "HEY LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS..... I'VE GOT WEED!!!" (she was on record saying my friend ray was "hella cute" and if you knew ray.... lol. just fucking lol. i always found it totally 100% pitch fucking perfect that the most foul smells in the universe came fdrom this dude's asshole because his farts were legit deadly (if we were in his car and he had a heroic fart lined up he'd often roll up/lock the windows and make us breathe it in, which led to gagging and could seriously lead to a heart attack / stroke / something ---- even if you had to go to the bathroom something bad you didnt go in the bathroom after ray for a good "thirty to fourty-five mintues... better yet, make it an hour!" - john witherspoon from friday.

so yeah the symbolism of him being a wholesale generator of the worst smells in the universe is awesome, and my lil cousin was such a whore i think she wanted him cuz she figured he'd be attainable cuz we had a legit pretty boy and a wannabe pretty boy in the group and then a guy we simply called "white trey" in the group (his family LITERALLY had a cable spool coffee tabll @ their trailer park home) and yeah..... she basically tried using the weed to roll with us cuz she wanted to fuck ray something fierce (she would outright admit it later. would you believe she had a kid by 17-19? lol that kid's proly 15-18 right now. goddamn how time flies) and we tried blackmailing her for the weed that we'd get her in trouble for having weed if she didnt break us off some,p so she learned her lesson and thankfully ray never managed to end up entring the outskirts of my family's gene pool so he can go fuck off and be too good to talk to me in his palacial estate in elgin with his heifer wife and his twin daughtrs. lol dude he grew up with a mother and 2 sisters

welp 4th of july circa ages 8-13 for me = we'd go over there and hang oout and run around like wild borneos outside (i remember playing tag witth my bro nicole brittney and some neighbor kid and her dad, already half in the bag and working on his next one, sees me chasing her to tag her and grabs me as i run and choke-holds me against the side of the house and says "IF YOU WANNA GET TO MY DAUGHTER YOU GO THROUGH ME, YOU GOT THAT MOHTERFUCKER?!?!?!"

i guess he really wanted his daughter to win at tag, eh?

welp at one point during one of these 4th of july hoedowns (before me and my brother tapped out on having ANYTHING to do with them) me and nicole and maybe britt and/or jeff decided to run down charing cross rd around the corner to the park at the end of the street. for whatever reason everyone was way ahead of me cuz i had to pee or hit the snack table again or something stupid, so i was like a minute or two behind so not wanting to be left out of the good times i took to running down the sidewalk as fast as i could to get to the park ASAP. while i'm running all of a sudden out of nowhere it's just like BOOM!!!!!!!!!AD;JFGAPSDJFG and a giant flash of hot hot light accompaniexd by a fireball that was roughly the size of my body blows up tight in my face only close enough to singe off like 1/4 of my bushy eyebrows/eyelashes. honestly i have no idea what the fuck i did right away, i think i must have stopped somehiow or the explosion/fireball was simply in front of me for a split second then went away..... but suffice to say it scared the living fuck out of me because i was likely 6-12" away from having the fireball hti me, and if it didnt blow up and melt at least half of my body like 2-face from batman maybe it kills me outright? i have no idea what happens when you get hit by an explosion like that and god willing i'll never find out even to that's the kind of intrepid reporting you guys have come to expect from your humble reporter and protagonist "telling it like it is" david kaplan style out in the field of excellence.

so after the near-getting-blowed-up, i look up at the house where this happened (cuz the M80/quarter-stick/half-stick/whatever was placed at the base of the tree between the sidewalk and the streeet in the villages' strip of land) and i see two teenagers/20somethings/etc quickly GTFO and run inside their house and close the drapes. young/er sini wasn't a vindictive sort and was happy-go-lucky and all kinds of pure and innocent, so the thought to tattle on them never crossed my mind as i regrouped myself and continued running to the park.... albeit this time along the curb on the street. after linking up with everyone and telling them an amazing story that they didn't have any interest in hearing in any way/shape/form (it truly is the story of my life)

i think it hit me later that night just what happened and how close i was to getting severely fucked up (cuz at the time you got adrenaline and little 10 year old hyperactive boy energy and RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH so you just kind of slide and roick on with the singed eyebrows cuz dammit you werent gonna be left behind and miss out on all the fun at the park, and that you certainly didn't. and from that experience onwards i always managed to be extra faclempt come july 4th and make sure i stay as far away as possible from explosions on the 4th, especially when there's alcohol involved as you traverse into/through the teenage years/20s.

and you know at every 4th of july party/gathering there's always one guy who drove to wisconsin/indiana/michigan/ohio/whatever to get the GOOD SHIT thats not legal in illinois.... and they get all hosed and bust out the fireworks cuz they gotta show everyone that they are that kind of explosive dude.... and they're usually an annoying asshole / total mug (the irony of me saying this RIGHT NOW is NOT lost on me btw =/ ) and they're all about BOOM BOOM BOOM cuz >MUH DANGER and >MUH BADASSEDNESS and >MUH LIVING ON THE EDGE and of course >MUH AMERICA..... FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rally they've just gone out of their way to get some festive props which they can brandish in public to show off that they're mr. 4th of july woohoo IF YOU'RE NOT THE LIFE OF THE PARTY YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF EVERYONE -- JAWBREAKER

but hey speaking of death, i stared it in the face when i was a kid thanks to the 4th of july and some people who had no good festive reason to blow up something so they just placed it at the base of a tree right next to the sidewalk and watched from ~30-50ft away and i'll be damned if i didnt nearly run into the explosion. i hope they got what thy wanted out of the experience cuz i have no idea how a country sounding like a warzone with explosions every few seconds = celebrating the fact that we used to be really free and now we've been bought and sold to corporate people (meaning corporations who are people) who will get down on some fascism at the very very top while we've all god communismn..... and hey white people are now the #1 terrorist threat in the usa (insert picture of confederate flag belt buckle cuz you know society as a whole [read: the media/TPTB] just up and decided no more confederate flag just because >MUH FEELINGS and likely >MUH PSYOP to start fucking with people who fit the generic mold of the "white american terrorist" (southerner. militia. there to "fight" for freedom and constitution. oldschool sensibilities re: patriotism/etc. ---- take away their flag and their symbol of a group of people coming together to stand up for somethiing they believe in, no matter how horribly wrong it might be, and take said symbol and arbitrarily get rid of it cuz "resistance is futile. obama's brownshirts army is a-coming. DHS has the equipment. jade helm has the ethos/logos/whatever-OS... and uhhhhh yeah.

ok fuck this tangent and fuck this message cuz all y'all already know i'm sufficiently tinfoil where it counts.... and hey just think if i wasn't a fat pudgy genus name homo-putzoafus and a step or two kicker i might have had the explosion hit me dead on and i woulda been TOASTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY like scorpion from mortal kombat and you never woulda had to read any of my posts here. c'est la fucking vie, no?

instead you lot are stuck with my bullshit so forgive the somber drunken solitude-in-public tongiht.... i always try to avoid going out on the 4th of july because the chances of randomly getting blown up are much much greater, and if you go to the city affectionatly known as "chi-raq", especially on the south and/or west sides.... man police must be going mental out there tongiht cuz i wonder how many guns are being shot in the name of "who can tell" ???

when random gunfire blends into the ambient background noise even when you're out in the suburbs.... man. wake me up when it's july 7th and everyone has shot their wad cuz there is nothing dumber than celebrating a country that's been sold down the river by blowing shit up en masse because OOOOH LOUD NOISE AND PRETTY SHINY FLASHY THINGS.... you know eho else is impressed by that kind of shit? BABIES! MOTHERFUCKING BABIES DUDE!

ok im really really odne now. fuck you 4th of july cuz even when you get rid of all my hackneyed "boo-hoo america used to be a wonderful country now it's a beautiful antiquated concept" shit you're still left with "i nearly died because some simpletons wanted to "celebrate america" by using its birthday as an excuse to blow things up for no reason at all. if i'm going to die at least let thre be a compelling reason.... not "OOOOH I WONDER WHAT THIS LIL DYNAMITE QUARTR STICK BLOWING UP WILL BE LIKE?!"

# sir talkstoomuch, esq.

Wrong again you stupid piece of shit.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:38 am 
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Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:13 pm
Posts: 15062
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Darkside wrote:
Independence Day is by far my favorite holiday.
It's the best. Grill and fiepit and beers and friends and great weather celebrating the birth of our nation... outstanding.

Agreed. The most overrated "holiday" is NYE.

-- source

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:29 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:28 pm
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SomeGuy wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
HHSOTD: here's your theme song / preferred background music for this post


ok guys, i hate to be a tease on the holidays and all that.... but you lot ere roughly 6 inches to one foot away from never having to ever read a sinicalyptical post in your life. no this isn't a crude thing to reference the size of my dad's hogl it has to do with the most annoying holiday on the yearly calendar: the fourth of july!

the fourth of july is essentially the quintessential summer classic of a holiday; unlike memorial day where it's like *wanking motion* ok the weather SHOULD be pretty good (73, 87, 62, 95, 88 over the last 5 years) and yeah you can barbeque and shit, it's all about some dead veterans (thats a bummer, dude) and the START of the "summer season" so yeah you take the day off and maybe thank some soldier for their service and if you're looking for an excuse to see <5-times-per-year friends-n-family well hey you got one get your grill on and etc.

the 4th of july is a bigger deal cuz everybody is looking for a reason to celebrate themselves. that's right, even tho it's "america's birthday" hey we are here and we WERE america (as now it's a corporate paradise and we're just kind of allowed to live here and we make the best of it. seeing as it's ~2weks past the summer solstice or equinox or whatever (june 21st = longest day of the year) the weather will be decidedly summer, the mosquitos will start to come out (cuz who doesn't wanna suck the life out of white people nowadays?) the grilling/drinking is in full effect and of course the most quintessential part of the 4th of july: EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!

yeah there's nothing quite like celebrating the default greatness of a country that doesnt have wars on its own soil (inb4 "war on terrorism" and now since NBC News reports white middle class americans are the #1 terrorist threat, welp, they've wanted to roll out the DHS army for quite some time so if white ppl are your #1 target well then in the immortal words of tran from that clip that they used to play on The Soup-- "here go hell come!") you're going to take this opportunity today on YEEHAW AMERICA DAY!!!! aka WE ARE THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!! day to blow up as many things as you can and make the place sound like a fucking warzone. the irony of that was never lost on me once i hit the age of reason/recall, however getting back to the 6-12" tease (again..... why is your mind in the gutter? =) i had already had a personal experience that soured me to the whole timeless institution of blowing shit up in the name of AMERICA!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!

when i was younger like aged 8-13 we used to go over to my 2nd-3rd cousons' house in elk grove. they lived a 5min drive from us, and it was our tradition to see thm every year (they were the "gross" cousins like you let them play your sega genesis once and the controllers were sticky for the next 4-5 days. i have no idea how the fuck they got so dirty to leave that kind of a fresidue on controllers, but they did. when we were a little bit older (like 13/9 for me-n-lilbro specifically) i can remember my mom having to stop over there to exchange coupons wiht bernie or something and me and my bro would stay in the car to avoid nicole and brittney, who would come running outside when my mom entered the door and we'd lock ourselves in the car while they desperately tried to do everything they could have short of breaking the glass to get in. what would they do if they got in? i have no idea. prolly just be like HEY WERE IN THE CAR WITH YOU... HAHAHAHHAHA!!! HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA OH MY GOD YEAH EVERYONE LET'S ALL BOUNCE TOGETHER AND SHAKE THE CAR..... i mean nicole was like ~2-3 years younger than me so she was in between me and my brother (4-5 years back) and brittney had to be 5-7 years back. nicole was always nuts like she was the token girl in the family who was like I'LL SHOW YOU MINE IF YOU SHOW ME YOURS and she'd drag me into the bathroom and show me how she peed and stuff. hell one traumatizing thing when i was a kid was when she found a birds nest in her front yard and grabbed the nest completre with ~4-5 little eggs in it and proceeded to smash them step on them and throw them up against the wall whil i was aghast; all those reasons and especially the sticky controllers = we always locked the doors and hid for dear life cuz neither of us wanted to be dragged down to their level.

hell, one of the later 4th of julys when i was like 16-17 i was hanging out with a few of my friends and nicole came up to us like "HEY LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS..... I'VE GOT WEED!!!" (she was on record saying my friend ray was "hella cute" and if you knew ray.... lol. just fucking lol. i always found it totally 100% pitch fucking perfect that the most foul smells in the universe came fdrom this dude's asshole because his farts were legit deadly (if we were in his car and he had a heroic fart lined up he'd often roll up/lock the windows and make us breathe it in, which led to gagging and could seriously lead to a heart attack / stroke / something ---- even if you had to go to the bathroom something bad you didnt go in the bathroom after ray for a good "thirty to fourty-five mintues... better yet, make it an hour!" - john witherspoon from friday.

so yeah the symbolism of him being a wholesale generator of the worst smells in the universe is awesome, and my lil cousin was such a whore i think she wanted him cuz she figured he'd be attainable cuz we had a legit pretty boy and a wannabe pretty boy in the group and then a guy we simply called "white trey" in the group (his family LITERALLY had a cable spool coffee tabll @ their trailer park home) and yeah..... she basically tried using the weed to roll with us cuz she wanted to fuck ray something fierce (she would outright admit it later. would you believe she had a kid by 17-19? lol that kid's proly 15-18 right now. goddamn how time flies) and we tried blackmailing her for the weed that we'd get her in trouble for having weed if she didnt break us off some,p so she learned her lesson and thankfully ray never managed to end up entring the outskirts of my family's gene pool so he can go fuck off and be too good to talk to me in his palacial estate in elgin with his heifer wife and his twin daughtrs. lol dude he grew up with a mother and 2 sisters

welp 4th of july circa ages 8-13 for me = we'd go over there and hang oout and run around like wild borneos outside (i remember playing tag witth my bro nicole brittney and some neighbor kid and her dad, already half in the bag and working on his next one, sees me chasing her to tag her and grabs me as i run and choke-holds me against the side of the house and says "IF YOU WANNA GET TO MY DAUGHTER YOU GO THROUGH ME, YOU GOT THAT MOHTERFUCKER?!?!?!"

i guess he really wanted his daughter to win at tag, eh?

welp at one point during one of these 4th of july hoedowns (before me and my brother tapped out on having ANYTHING to do with them) me and nicole and maybe britt and/or jeff decided to run down charing cross rd around the corner to the park at the end of the street. for whatever reason everyone was way ahead of me cuz i had to pee or hit the snack table again or something stupid, so i was like a minute or two behind so not wanting to be left out of the good times i took to running down the sidewalk as fast as i could to get to the park ASAP. while i'm running all of a sudden out of nowhere it's just like BOOM!!!!!!!!!AD;JFGAPSDJFG and a giant flash of hot hot light accompaniexd by a fireball that was roughly the size of my body blows up tight in my face only close enough to singe off like 1/4 of my bushy eyebrows/eyelashes. honestly i have no idea what the fuck i did right away, i think i must have stopped somehiow or the explosion/fireball was simply in front of me for a split second then went away..... but suffice to say it scared the living fuck out of me because i was likely 6-12" away from having the fireball hti me, and if it didnt blow up and melt at least half of my body like 2-face from batman maybe it kills me outright? i have no idea what happens when you get hit by an explosion like that and god willing i'll never find out even to that's the kind of intrepid reporting you guys have come to expect from your humble reporter and protagonist "telling it like it is" david kaplan style out in the field of excellence.

so after the near-getting-blowed-up, i look up at the house where this happened (cuz the M80/quarter-stick/half-stick/whatever was placed at the base of the tree between the sidewalk and the streeet in the villages' strip of land) and i see two teenagers/20somethings/etc quickly GTFO and run inside their house and close the drapes. young/er sini wasn't a vindictive sort and was happy-go-lucky and all kinds of pure and innocent, so the thought to tattle on them never crossed my mind as i regrouped myself and continued running to the park.... albeit this time along the curb on the street. after linking up with everyone and telling them an amazing story that they didn't have any interest in hearing in any way/shape/form (it truly is the story of my life)

i think it hit me later that night just what happened and how close i was to getting severely fucked up (cuz at the time you got adrenaline and little 10 year old hyperactive boy energy and RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH so you just kind of slide and roick on with the singed eyebrows cuz dammit you werent gonna be left behind and miss out on all the fun at the park, and that you certainly didn't. and from that experience onwards i always managed to be extra faclempt come july 4th and make sure i stay as far away as possible from explosions on the 4th, especially when there's alcohol involved as you traverse into/through the teenage years/20s.

and you know at every 4th of july party/gathering there's always one guy who drove to wisconsin/indiana/michigan/ohio/whatever to get the GOOD SHIT thats not legal in illinois.... and they get all hosed and bust out the fireworks cuz they gotta show everyone that they are that kind of explosive dude.... and they're usually an annoying asshole / total mug (the irony of me saying this RIGHT NOW is NOT lost on me btw =/ ) and they're all about BOOM BOOM BOOM cuz >MUH DANGER and >MUH BADASSEDNESS and >MUH LIVING ON THE EDGE and of course >MUH AMERICA..... FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rally they've just gone out of their way to get some festive props which they can brandish in public to show off that they're mr. 4th of july woohoo IF YOU'RE NOT THE LIFE OF THE PARTY YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF EVERYONE -- JAWBREAKER

but hey speaking of death, i stared it in the face when i was a kid thanks to the 4th of july and some people who had no good festive reason to blow up something so they just placed it at the base of a tree right next to the sidewalk and watched from ~30-50ft away and i'll be damned if i didnt nearly run into the explosion. i hope they got what thy wanted out of the experience cuz i have no idea how a country sounding like a warzone with explosions every few seconds = celebrating the fact that we used to be really free and now we've been bought and sold to corporate people (meaning corporations who are people) who will get down on some fascism at the very very top while we've all god communismn..... and hey white people are now the #1 terrorist threat in the usa (insert picture of confederate flag belt buckle cuz you know society as a whole [read: the media/TPTB] just up and decided no more confederate flag just because >MUH FEELINGS and likely >MUH PSYOP to start fucking with people who fit the generic mold of the "white american terrorist" (southerner. militia. there to "fight" for freedom and constitution. oldschool sensibilities re: patriotism/etc. ---- take away their flag and their symbol of a group of people coming together to stand up for somethiing they believe in, no matter how horribly wrong it might be, and take said symbol and arbitrarily get rid of it cuz "resistance is futile. obama's brownshirts army is a-coming. DHS has the equipment. jade helm has the ethos/logos/whatever-OS... and uhhhhh yeah.

ok fuck this tangent and fuck this message cuz all y'all already know i'm sufficiently tinfoil where it counts.... and hey just think if i wasn't a fat pudgy genus name homo-putzoafus and a step or two kicker i might have had the explosion hit me dead on and i woulda been TOASTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY like scorpion from mortal kombat and you never woulda had to read any of my posts here. c'est la fucking vie, no?

instead you lot are stuck with my bullshit so forgive the somber drunken solitude-in-public tongiht.... i always try to avoid going out on the 4th of july because the chances of randomly getting blown up are much much greater, and if you go to the city affectionatly known as "chi-raq", especially on the south and/or west sides.... man police must be going mental out there tongiht cuz i wonder how many guns are being shot in the name of "who can tell" ???

when random gunfire blends into the ambient background noise even when you're out in the suburbs.... man. wake me up when it's july 7th and everyone has shot their wad cuz there is nothing dumber than celebrating a country that's been sold down the river by blowing shit up en masse because OOOOH LOUD NOISE AND PRETTY SHINY FLASHY THINGS.... you know eho else is impressed by that kind of shit? BABIES! MOTHERFUCKING BABIES DUDE!

ok im really really odne now. fuck you 4th of july cuz even when you get rid of all my hackneyed "boo-hoo america used to be a wonderful country now it's a beautiful antiquated concept" shit you're still left with "i nearly died because some simpletons wanted to "celebrate america" by using its birthday as an excuse to blow things up for no reason at all. if i'm going to die at least let thre be a compelling reason.... not "OOOOH I WONDER WHAT THIS LIL DYNAMITE QUARTR STICK BLOWING UP WILL BE LIKE?!"

# sir talkstoomuch, esq.

Wrong again you stupid piece of shit.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:07 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
Minooka Meatball wrote:
I bonded with my neighbors who I don't usually party with, so KMA.

hey dude... the parties? the bonding? the good times in nice weather and getting hosed/glinted and having a holy-day amongst the monotony of day-to-day-life? #Kept100 or whatever the kids tweet now. that's awesome in my book and i should perhaps take a second to clarify that i'm not anti-4th-of-july in terms of celebrating america and having an excuse to get your miley cyrus on (however literally that might be) and PARTY IN THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but randomly blowing shit up? fuck off with that stupid bullshit. yeah i'm biased cuz i nearly died or at least got severely fucked up from "HURR DURRR LET'S SEE WHAT THIS EXPLOSION LOOKS LIKE" but still, there's no need to have the ambient background noise of a warzone because it's america's birthday!

seriously it's now midnight which means the drunken middleaged-ppl are bringing out the big guns and every 5mins or so you hear a big thunderous crash that rocks the foundation of your house. OOOOH YEAH AINT THAT AMERICA (THE LAND OF THE FREE) ?!?!?!?!?

I'll do some research and get you a quote but the founding fathers fully intended revelry and massive amounts of fireworks in remembers cd of the 4 tg


O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:33 pm 
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redskingreg wrote:
Darkside wrote:
Independence Day is by far my favorite holiday.
It's the best. Grill and fiepit and beers and friends and great weather celebrating the birth of our nation... outstanding.

Agreed. The most overrated "holiday" is NYE.

This + infinity

I follow where my mind goes...

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:37 pm 
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good dolphin wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
Minooka Meatball wrote:
I bonded with my neighbors who I don't usually party with, so KMA.

hey dude... the parties? the bonding? the good times in nice weather and getting hosed/glinted and having a holy-day amongst the monotony of day-to-day-life? #Kept100 or whatever the kids tweet now. that's awesome in my book and i should perhaps take a second to clarify that i'm not anti-4th-of-july in terms of celebrating america and having an excuse to get your miley cyrus on (however literally that might be) and PARTY IN THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but randomly blowing shit up? fuck off with that stupid bullshit. yeah i'm biased cuz i nearly died or at least got severely fucked up from "HURR DURRR LET'S SEE WHAT THIS EXPLOSION LOOKS LIKE" but still, there's no need to have the ambient background noise of a warzone because it's america's birthday!

seriously it's now midnight which means the drunken middleaged-ppl are bringing out the big guns and every 5mins or so you hear a big thunderous crash that rocks the foundation of your house. OOOOH YEAH AINT THAT AMERICA (THE LAND OF THE FREE) ?!?!?!?!?

I'll do some research and get you a quote but the founding fathers fully intended revelry and massive amounts of fireworks in remembers cd of the 4 tg


Hey, you're back home now. Stop posting in pigeon polish.

We all have private ails. The troublemakers are they who need public cures for their private ails.- Eric Hoffer

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:54 pm 
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fireworks should be left to the professionals.

Reality is your friend, not your enemy. -- Seacrest

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:02 pm 
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Houston Homer wrote:
redskingreg wrote:
Darkside wrote:
Independence Day is by far my favorite holiday.
It's the best. Grill and fiepit and beers and friends and great weather celebrating the birth of our nation... outstanding.

Agreed. The most overrated "holiday" is NYE.

This + infinity


And nice to see HH posting.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:19 pm 

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Somehow I'm guessing this was not the first or last time you were almost blown up.

I do not like some of the "dangers" or noise of 4th of July. I do appreciate America, I don't see how you could not want to celebrate it's birthday.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:26 pm 
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Spaulding wrote:
I don't see how you could not want to celebrate it's birthday.

Perhaps you're just not real enough.

"Play until it hurts, then play until it hurts to not play." HOF 2013, MM Champion 2014
bigfan wrote:
Many that is true, but an incomplete statement.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:29 pm 
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Thanks, PM...Hi, Spaulding!!

Noticed tonight when I posted that I registered here over 8 years!! :)

ETA...hi, Darkside!!

I follow where my mind goes...

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:30 pm 

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I'm real. And I'm often thankful to be an American.

Good to see you HH!

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:33 pm 
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Houston Homer wrote:
ETA...hi, Darkside!!

'ello HH. good to see you again...

I'm real. And I'm often thankful to be an American

You're not real enough. There's only one guy here keepin it real and freestylin his way out of trouble with the law and racin bitches up flagpoles.

"Play until it hurts, then play until it hurts to not play." HOF 2013, MM Champion 2014
bigfan wrote:
Many that is true, but an incomplete statement.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:40 pm 
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This was the first 4th of July I have actually enjoyed in at least a decade. I was also almost hit by a firework about 50 feet away from me that went through the side of the box it was in instead of the top like it was supposed to.

Frank Coztansa wrote:
conns7901 wrote:
Not over yet.
Yes it is.

CDOM wrote:
When this is all over, which is not going to be for a while, Trump will be re-elected President.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:50 pm 
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Houston Homer wrote:
Thanks, PM...Hi, Spaulding!!

Noticed tonight when I posted that I registered here over 8 years!! :)

ETA...hi, Darkside!!

Hi HH. Nice pic of Bum Phillips on the avatar. I miss the Oilers. Texans never been the same to me. I old school.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:10 pm 
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A few months ago, a couple in their early to mid 30's and their long haired son (probably 5 or 6) with a totally made-up name began to rent the house right next door to me. They are total fucking whackjobs. Confederate flag, home-school, probably anti-vaxxers, most likely racist, and definitely fringe 'Christians'. I work from home, so I hear these people in the yard they are RENTING every day. The mother loves the sound of her own voice, the kid seems nice enough, but I never heard the fucking long-haired dad's voice (even though I see his stupid ass every day) until yesterday. You see, there's kind of a party house at the end of my block, and the yahoos there were setting off some pretty loud noisemakers. Probably M80s. Just fucking noise. Yeah, it was loud, but it was 5 in the afternoon. I didn't flinch, because after living here for 9 years, 2 blocks away from Lake Michigan, I know what to expect on July 4th. My 3 fuckin cats didn't hide, nor did they even wake from their naps. Anyway, long story short......this fucking douche next door, who has lived on the block for like 3 months, comes storming down the sidewalk heading east toward the noise, bare-footed, screaming in front of my house to the party house about 4 houses down. Literally screaming. About how the noise was "scaring the crap of my child", lol. If it were me, I'm not sure I'd be screaming at people who I don't know, who have explosives, and god knows what else, who have probably been drinking on a Saturday July 4th afternoon. And I sure the fuck didn't appreciate this cockknock doing it right in front of my house. Fuck that guy.
Not too long, read if you feel like it.

Just chillin' like Garret Quillin.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:11 pm 
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Scooter wrote:
Houston Homer wrote:
Thanks, PM...Hi, Spaulding!!

Noticed tonight when I posted that I registered here over 8 years!! :)

ETA...hi, Darkside!!

Hi HH. Nice pic of Bum Phillips on the avatar. I miss the Oilers. Texans never been the same to me. I old school.

Scooter! Oilers and beagle love!! <3

I follow where my mind goes...

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:13 pm 
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That was worth reading just for the "cockknock".

Good people drink good beer - Hunter S. Thompson


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 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:15 pm 
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Chus wrote:
That was worth reading just for the "cockknock".

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just chillin' like Garret Quillin.

 Post subject: Re: the fourth of july
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:27 pm 
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Houston Homer wrote:
Scooter wrote:
Houston Homer wrote:
Thanks, PM...Hi, Spaulding!!

Noticed tonight when I posted that I registered here over 8 years!! :)

ETA...hi, Darkside!!

Hi HH. Nice pic of Bum Phillips on the avatar. I miss the Oilers. Texans never been the same to me. I old school.

Scooter! Oilers and beagle love!! <3

Hi HH!

Good people drink good beer - Hunter S. Thompson


Waiting for the time when I can finally say
That this has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way

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