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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:38 pm 
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Monsoon: Welcome everyone to an early edition of CSFMBWA Wrestling! I'm Gorilla Monsoon joined as always by Jesse Ventura. Glad you were able to join us Jess.

Ventura: What is going on here?! I get a call this morning telling me that I have to come in today. You're lucky I wasn't shooting a movie!

Monsoon: Sure we are Jess. Let's go to the ring for our first match.

Non-title match: Krazy Ivan vs. RFDC

Ivan makes his way to the ring rather quickly. He immediately ambushes RFDC before the bell. Jeff Eaglo goes ahead and calls for the bell. A series of forearms from Ivan, then a boot the mid-section, followed by a knee lift. RFDC is caught completely off guard.

Ventura: Ivan started this match with a bang.

Monsoon: You’ve got to think Ivan’s in a rather foul mood after listening to what RFDC had to say.

Stomps on the ground from Ivan stop RFDC from regaining his bearings. Ivan pulls RFDC to a vertical base by his armpits, then slings RFDC across the ring. RFDC crashes to the mat on the other side of the ring with a mighty crash. RFDC gets to his feet. Ivan approaches. RFDC with a body shot to Ivan. Ivan stops the momentum with a CrewVate and the crowd showers him with cheers. RFDC is trying to get loose from the CrewVate, but Ivan’s got him stuck. Ivan takes one leg out from RFDC so RFDC is left hanging. Ivan puts his knee to the ribs of RFDC and grinds away. RFDC is trying to get out of both this and the CrewVate. Ivan pushes RFDC’s other leg to the mat, putting him down to his knees in the CrewVate. Ivan switches over to a traditional sleeper hold with RFDC down to the mat, switching his knee grind to the back of RFDC, using this as an additional leverage on the sleeper. It’s RFDC bending the rules, however, reaching up and grabbing a handful of Ivan’s hair and pulling down. Referee Jeff Eaglo starts a count to break the hair pull, 1.…2.….3.… RFDC lets go. When he does, Ivan stands up, then drives RFDC face first into the mat with a Russian leg sweep.

Monsoon: What a Samoan Sweeper from Ivan!

Ventura: RFDC is in trouble early on here Gorilla.

Ivan gets to his feet and he immediately starts stomping and kicking away at RFDC. RFDC gets to his hands and feet. Ivan punts him to the ribs. RFDC rolls to his back and Ivan wastes no motion in diving his full two hundred plus pound frame into RFDC’s body with a standing senton. Ivan moves from the seated senton position to the legs of RFDC, bending a leg back and locking RFDC in a half crab. Ivan leans backwards with a bridge and grabs RFDC by the chin. RFDC is trying to get to the ropes for relief. Ivan pulls RFDC’s head way up, causing his whole body to lift off the mat, then slams him down into the mat. Ivan lets go of the face lock and readjusts his leg lock. He changes the leg lock over into a Bison Crab. RFDC is crawling towards the ropes, slowly pulling his weight and Ivan’s weight towards the outskirts of the ring. Ivan realizes he’s inching closer and closer and he allows RFDC to pull him. They are just a little bit away from the ropes. And RFDC gets the bottom rope. Ivan immediately breaks the hold, not bothering to take the five count to break the hold. RFDC gets to his feet. Ivan gives him a condescending round of applause, then kicks RFDC’s left leg out from under him, sending RFDC to the mat.

Monsoon: All that work, and his reward is getting kicked in the back of the knee.

Ventura: And a nice round of applause from Ivan.

Ivan rolls to the outside. He grabs RFDC’s left leg and pulls it to the outside as well. He raises RFDC’s leg up and bangs it down across the ring apron. Ivan bangs the knee of RFDC down across the ring apron again. He then flips RFDC over so RFDC is lying on his stomach and climbs to the ring apron. Ivan pulls RFDC‘s legs up and locks RFDC in a modified Panthertamer, in the ropes. Referee Jeff Eaglo is having none of it and starts a disqualification count, 1.…2.….3.…4... Ivan breaks the hold, but jumps off the apron with RFDC‘s left leg still clutched, bringing his full weight down on the leg, and the leg down across the apron. Ivan climbs into the ring and distracts Jeff Eaglo. Jimmypasta crawls from under the ring while the referee is distracted and grabs the leg of RFDC. He steps up to the apron and nails a Whopper Dropper on the leg of RFDC. RFDC screams in agony and Jimmy throws him back into the ring. Ivan grabs the leg and locks in a figure four leg lock. Ivan can barely get the hold locked in before RFDC taps out.

Monsoon: He couldn‘t take it anymore. The abuse on that leg from Ivan and JimmyPasta was just too much.

The bell sounds. Ivan raises his hands in victory and Jimmy enters the ring and drags RFDC into the corner. Pasta climbs to the second rope and delivers a second Whopper Dropper to the injured leg of RFDC.

Monsoon: Stop it! Someone get JimmyPasta out of here!

Jimmy leaves the ring chuckling to himself as medics rush to the ring to help RFDC to the back.

Winner: Krazy Ivan

CSFMBWA World Tag Team Title Match: Hank Scorpio & Phil McCracken(c) vs. The Grand Score

Hank starts the match with FiveGrand. Both men circle around the ring. FiveGrand raises his hands for a test of strength. Hank kicks him in the back of the left quadriceps. Slap hard to the face of FiveGrand from Hank, a resounding whack of flesh on flesh.

Monsoon: Hank showing no respect for FiveGrand

Ventura: And why should he? Hank is one half on the tag team champions!

FiveGrand holds his face for a moment. Hank stands back and flips him off. FiveGrand rushes across the ring for a spear. Hank side steps and redirects FiveGrand into the corner. Phil wastes no time in wrapping the tag rope around the throat of FiveGrand, Hank laying in strikes to the abdominal and chest. Referee chas starts a count for Phil to break the choke and to let FiveGrand out of the corner, 1.…2.…3.….4.… Hank rakes the eyes and Phil lets go of the choke, FiveGrand stumbling to the center of the ring blinded and gagging. Hank makes a tag to Phil McCracken and in comes Phil. He shadow boxes for a moment, teasing FiveGrand who is still seeing double following the eye gouge. Phil punts FiveGrand in the ribs, then mounts him. Phil setting up as if he’s going for a camel clutch, but instead lays in the forearms to the face of FiveGrand. FiveGrand is crawling towards the corner to make the tag to Keeping Score. Phil jumps up, then drops his full body weight ass first across FiveGrand’s back. Phil drags FiveGrand all the way back to his corner, where he makes a tag to Hank.

Monsoon: That’s a sign of a great tag team. Lots of fast tags in and out, always keep a fresh man in the ring.

Hank climbs to the top rope. Phil puts the left leg of FiveGrand across the bottom rope. Hank comes off the top and dives right onto the leg of FiveGrand. FiveGrand screams in agony as his leg is bent in a really awkward position. Hank grabs the left leg of FiveGrand and locks on a spinning toe hold. FiveGrand screaming in agony as the leg is contorted into an awkward position. Hank is really applying pressure. FiveGrand leans up and catches Hank in a small package. Roll up but only a count of one before Phil is in the ring to break the pin attempt with a boot to the face. Hank and Phil start with a double team on FiveGrand, stomping him into the mat. Keeping Score tries to make the save for his partner, but the referee catches him and forces him back out of the ring. Hank pulls FiveGrand to a vertical base. Big European Uppercut from Phil to the chest of FiveGrand, then one to the back from Hank. FiveGrand stumbles forwards into a knife edged chop from Phil, then backwards into a head and arm suplex from Hank. Phil is back out of the ring by the time Keeping Score resigns to the ring apron, outside of the ring long enough for Hank to tag Phil back in.

Ventura: This is a smart tag team strategy. They’ve got a man injured and they’ve kept him isolated in their corner. They are picking FiveGrand apart here.

Monsoon: FiveGrand has to make a tag to Keeping Score if he wants to survive this onslaught.

Phil pulls FiveGrand to a vertical base. FiveGrand is having trouble standing on the leg that has been worked hard all match. Phil decides to help him stand, grabbing him in a side waist lock, lifting him up, then driving him down. The leg buckles underneath FiveGrand and he collapses to the mat. Phil pulls FiveGrand to a vertical base. Irish whip attempt from Phil for more theatrics than effectiveness, because FiveGrand falls to the mat. FiveGrand is crawling towards the corner where Keeping Score has his hand extended. Phil grabs the leg of FiveGrand and pulls him back towards the Phil/Hank corner. FiveGrand flips to his back and kicks Phil off. A Ricky Morton roll later and FiveGrand is in his own corner, tagging in a fresh Keeping Score. Keeping Score gets into the ring like a man on fire. Right arm clothesline for Phil. Hank into the ring. He catches a clothesline from the right arm as well. Phil is back up and he catches another clothesline. Hank is up again and Keeping Score throws a clothesline. Hank blocks it and grabs an arm bar. Out of instinct, Keeping Score throws a clothesline but apparently injures his arm. He takes Danny Hank off his feet, but screams in pain himself from the impact on the injury. Hank gets back to his feet. He grabs Keeping Score’s injured arm and leads him to the corner. Hank bangs the arm into the steel connector of the turnbuckle. Phil swoops in and clips the leg of Keeping Score as he stumbles out of the corner. Hank resigns to his corner. Phil and Keeping Score now the legal men and the only two in the ring. Phil grabs Keeping Score’s injured arm and locks on an arm bar. Keeping Score screams in pain.

Monsoon: We’ve seen what these two did to FiveGrand’s leg earlier in the contest and now they are going to work on the arm of Keeping Score.

Ventura: They’ve got a weak point on Keeping Score and they are clearly going to exploit it.

Phil holds the arm bar with one arm, using the point of the elbow on the other arm to grind into the elbow. Keeping Score is able to get free and rolls to the floor. Phil meets him there, grabbing the arm quickly and ramming it into the steel ring post. Keeping Score goes to the ground to just try to protect his arm. Hank stomps on the fallen Keeping Score. Referee chas starts a ten count for a count out. Keeping Score fights to his feet, shoving Hank into the rail and rolling into the ring. Phil grabs the injured arm of Keeping Score again. He locks in a twisting wrist lock into a crank over the shoulder. Tag from Phil to Hank. Hank gets into the ring with a drop of an elbow onto the arm. Whip from Hank, using the injured arm as the means to whip. Keeping Score goes into the far ropes. Hank aims for a Yakuza kick. Keeping Score ducks under and continues to the near ropes. Keeping Score rebounds and hits a Diving European Uppercut.

Monsoon: Keeping Score with a Parole Hearing! He’s got to try to make a tag here Jess.

Ventura: I’m not sure what good that’ll do Monsoon. FiveGrand was worked over worse than Chris O’Donnell during shooting for Batman&Robin.

Hank is sent sailing backwards and into the ropes. He catches himself in a seated position on the middle rope, using the top rope to swing back into the ring. Hank runs at Keeping Score. Huge palm strike from Keeping Score takes Hank into a dazed and confused stance. Keeping Score grabs Hank and throws him up and over for a German suplex. Bridge into a pin attempt from Keeping Score. 1.…. 2.…. Kick out at two from Hank. Keeping Score is crawling towards the corner, Hank as well. Both men are injured. Hank knocked half loopy from the flurry from Keeping Score, Keeping Score from his arm injury. Both men slowly get to their hands and knees. Keeping Score makes the tag to FiveGrand, Hank to Phil. The two fresh men are in the ring. FiveGrand is still hobbling on his leg from earlier in the match’s abuse. He takes Phil out with a forearm. Phil gets right back to his feet. FiveGrand rushes in for a spear. Phil catches him in a front face lock.

Ventura: He’s locked on like a pitbull in Michael Vick’s yard, his front standing guillotine choke locked in.

Monsoon: ……

Ventura: Not cool?

Keeping Score runs into the ring to break it up, but he’s caught by a Yakuza Kick from Hank that sends him to the outside in a heap. FiveGrand is struggling to stay standing. Phil has the choke locked on tight and is leaning his body weight down on FiveGrand. FiveGrand is standing on one leg, really trying to stay standing to maintain consciousness. Hank clips FiveGrand’s standing leg. FiveGrand loses balance and the two drop to the mat. FiveGrand pushes himself up and flips over. He’s still trapped in the chokehold, and he’s still being choked out, but now Phil’s shoulders are to the mat. Referee chas down for the count. 1.…2.… Phil realizes what’s happening and breaks the choke and pops his shoulders up. Big spin wheel kick out of nowhere from Keeping Score takes Phil back down. FiveGrand to his feet and he’s caught with a Hoosier kick from Hank. Keeping Score runs at Hank and spears him, the two stumbling to the outside.
Phil is the first back up. He pulls FiveGrand up. A knee to the face from Phil stuns FiveGrand. He hits the ropes. A counter knee lift from FiveGrand stuns Phil, but doesn’t knock him down. Boot to the gut from FiveGrand, hook of both arms into a double underhook, then a jump and a crash.

Monsoon: The Balckbuster!

FiveGrand turns and makes the cover on Phil. Referee chas down for the count, 1.…2.…3!

Ventura: He got him! We’ve got new tag team champions!

Keeping Score rolls back into the ring as chas hands the tag belts to the new champs. Phil and Hank dejectedly make their way to the back as the crowd cheers for The Grand Score.

Winners: The Grand Score – New CSFMBWA World Tag Team Champions

Speeps w/BobbyHeenan vs. Douchebag

The bell sounds and this match is under way. Circle around the ring. Collar and elbow tie up locks up the two men, Speeps switches to a single wrist lock quickly. Douchebag trying to get free. Speeps goes under with a twist, a full rotation on the wrist lock now working the shoulder as well. Douchebag does a front flip, landing on his feet and elevating the pressure from the wrist lock. Speeps drills him with a short arm clothesline. Speeps pulls Douchebag back to a vertical base. Speeps sends Douchebag into the buckles with a strong Irish Whip. Douchebag hits the buckles hard and falls to his butt. Speeps runs across the ring. Douchebag puts a boot up and catches Speeps in the gut. Temporarily stunned, Speeps stumbles to center ring. Douchebag nips up and runs at Speeps. Bulldog attempt from Douchebag, but as he’s falling, Speeps cradles him, spins him, and drives him into the mat with a modified BernsieBomb. Speeps gets to his feet. He pulls Douchebag up. Douchebag with a few shots to the mid-section of Speeps and he’s able to get free from Speeps’ grasp. Douchebag runs at Speeps. Dive up and over with a sunset flip. He’s trying to take Speeps over into a pin attempt. Speeps won’t go, instead raising one foot and stomping directly down into Douchebag’s face, effectively breaking the hold.

Monsoon: Crude but effective.

Ventura: Give Speeps his due Monsoon. That was well scouted. It pays to have The Brain in your corner.

Speeps is on the offensive now. He pulls Douchebag to his feet and throws a big European Uppercut into the chest of Douchebag. Douchebag backing off, Speeps still holding him and he throws another European Uppercut, this time backing Douchebag into the corner. Knife edged chop from Speeps. Douchebag makes a quick motion, spinning himself out of the corner and putting Speeps in it. Quick chop from Douchebag, another, and another! Speeps throws a knee to the gut of Douchebag, then a huge European Uppercut that takes Douchebag off of his feet. Speeps pulls Douchebag up. Douchebag with a drop toe hold. Douchebag scrambles back to his feet. Speeps gets to his knees. Douchebag connects with a basement dropkick to the face of Speeps. Douchebag gets back to his feet and hits a standing senton, followed by another, and another. Speeps is absorbing the blitzkrieg. An elbow drop from Douchebag. Douchebag scrambles to the top rope. He turns around and dives with a picture perfect moonsault, right into the knees of Speeps.

Ventura: Speeps blocked the Rooftop Drop. Douchebag went to the well one too many times and he paid the price.

Douchebag is holding his sternum, but he’s standing. Speeps gets to his feet and hits an elbow to Douchebag’s face followed by an uppercut. Douchebag is rocked, but he’s not going down. Speeps hits the ropes, then comes back at Douchebag, raising a boot as he runs and running right through Douchebag.

Monsoon: Kick the Habit from Speeps!!!!

Ventura: And he ran THROUGH Douchebag! He didn’t kick at Douchebag, he kicked BEHIND Douchebag and Douchebag’s face just happened to get in the way!

Speeps drags an out on his feet Douchebag to a vertical base. He stuffs him in a power bomb position. Up for the power bomb, Douchebag dangles limp in Speeps’ arms and Speeps drives Douchebag into the mat with his signature devastating ChicosBomb.

Monsoon: Most call it a cross armed sitdown power bomb, Speeps calls it the ChicosBomb, I call it effective.

Ventura: No one’s got up from the ChicosBomb to date and after that devastating Kick The Habit, I doubt Douchebag will be the first..

Speeps with a cover. Referee Chas down for the count. 1.…2.…3! The bell sounds, Speeps stands upright and demands chas raise his hand. Heenan enters the ring and shoves chas away and raises Speeps’ hand in victory.

Winner: Speeps

Non-Title Match: Woodridge Ryan vs. Jackref w/BobbyHeenan

The bell sounds. Both men circle around the ring. Collar and elbow tie up. Jackref breaks free with one hand. Springboard to the middle rope, then the top. He drops to his butt on the top rope, does a flip, and uses that momentum to arm drag Woodridge Ryan. Ryan to his feet. He runs at Jackref. Hip toss for Jackref, WR lands on his feet. Short arm clothesline from WR, duck from Jackref. Rear lariat from WR is ducked by Jackref as well. Another clothesline attempt from Ryan is ducked and then countered by Jack Jackref with a spinning heel kick. Jackref runs to the corner, right to the top rope. Ryan quickly back to his feet. Jackref dives off the top rope and catches Ryan with a high cross body. Ryan takes it and rolls all the way through, all the way to his feet. From a body slam position, Ryan throws Jackref onto his shoulders. WR throws Jackref to the mat with a TKO, bringing a foot up on Jackref’s way down, kicking him right in the back of the head. Jackref slowly gets back to his feet, still a bit woozily and trying to shake out his neck. The two men circle around the ring. Ryan makes a lunge at Jackref. Jackref side steps clean. WR gets back to his feet. WR swipes at Jackref, missing with each pawing hand strike. Jackref is dancing around WR, a cocky swagger to his step. Ryan kicks Jackref in the leg. WR takes a high slapping motion at Jackref, Jackref ducks and attacks WR in the mid-section with a flurry of punches to the ribs. WR grabs Jackref by the head and locks him in a rear naked choke. Jackref slides out. Jackref connects with an elbow to the face of Ryan. WR responds with a big slap. Jackref spins around. Ryan takes Jackref’s back with a rear waist lock, then takes him up and over with a folding German suplex. Referee Eaglo down for a count, 1.…2.… kick out at two from Jackref.

Monsoon: Solid start to this match from both competitors Jess.

Ventura: Thanks for that Geno. Have a banana.

Monsoon: Don’t mind if I do.

Both men get back to a vertical base. Jackref hits the ropes. WR goes for a clothesline. Duck from Jackref. Into the far ropes with a rebound goes Jackref. Back at Ryan, Jackref jumps and catches WR with a jumping DDT. Ryan slides across the ring and all the way to the floor. Jackref hits the ropes near the entrance way, then runs towards Ryan. Jackref leaps over the top rope and crashes into Ryan on the floor with a reckless elbow that sends both men rolling to the floor. Jackref immediately gets to his feet. He rolls Ryan back into the ring. Jackref hops to the ring apron. Ryan gets to his hands and knees, then to his feet. Jackref hops to the second rope, step up to the top rope and steps off into a DDT on Ryan. Jackref with a pin attempt on Ryan, 1.…2... Kick out at two from Ryan.

Ventura: Double Hop DDT only enough for two.

Monsoon: Woodridge Ryan is one tough hombre Jess.

Ventura: My God. Can we hire Schiavonne instead of this guy?

Jackref decides it’s time to go up top. He climbs to the top rope. Ryan makes his way to the corner. Uppercut from Ryan. Jackref lands on the top rope on his butt. Ryan climbs to the middle rope. Front face lock from Ryan. He’s trying to superplex Jackref. Jackref brings a knee up to break free from the front facelock. Jackref stands up on the top rope. Ryan grabs Jackref going for a press slam. Up and over off the top rope, as he’s bringing Jackref over for the press slam, Ryan sits down, dropping Jackref with a Michinoku Driver variant.

Monsoon: oh my God…

Ventura: What on Earth was that Gorilla? Someone better check on the Intercontinental Champ.

Jackref is out cold. Ryan goes for a cover. Before even one, it’s broken up by an invading Boyd. From the crowd Boyd and Speeps rush into the ring and begin stomping on Ryan. BobbyHeenan and a lovely young woman also enter the ring and help Jackref to his feet.

Monsoon: And the Drinky Alliance ruins this great match. Can we not go one week without this gang of wolves attacking someone?

Ventura: They seem to be growing in numbers Monsoon. Who is that striking young woman?

Monsoon: That….that’s Houston Homer! The drunken doll is now a part of the Drinky Alliance!

Ventura: Wow. But where is Drop In?

Speeps and Boyd lift up Ryan. They are holding him up as high as they can in a crucifix position, their massive frames holding him high in the sky. Jackref walks under Ryan. He puts Ryan’s legs around his neck in a power bomb position. Together, the three triple power bomb Ryan, from massive elevation.

Monsoon: Come on! Stop this. Woodridge Ryan has just been victimized by The Drinky Board courtesy of the Drinky Alliance!

Ventura: So much for Bigfan’s newest Free Ajent. Ryan and Douchebag might be learning that it’s not a good idea to cross the Drinky Alliance.

Boyd, Jackref, Speeps, Heenan, and Houston Homer all exit the ring amid thunderous boos and make their way to the back.

Winner: Woodridge Ryan by DQ

CSFMBWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Original Kid Cairo(c) vs. Drop In w/BobbyHeenan

Both men just staring across the ring at one another. Jeff Eaglo makes a motion for the action to start. Drop In takes a few steps to his left, OKC to his right. The two begin slowly circling around the ring. Inwards they walk. They meet at the center of the ring. OKC mockingly asks for a test of strength, holding his hands way higher than Drop In could possibly reach. Drop In responds by roundhouse kicking OKC in the ribs. A second kick. A spinning roundhouse kick to the ribs from Drop In, but OKC catches the kick. With reckless abandon, he throws Drop In by his leg.
Drop In to his feet quickly. He adjusts his neck, possibly tweaking it a bit in his violent crash landing. Drop In approaches OKC with caution. He grabs OKC by the waist. He’s going for a takedown. OKC pushes Drop In off and across the ring. Drop In scrambles back to his feet. He dives at OKC with a drop kick, OKC side steps it and Drop In just lands on his back.

Monsoon: Drop In is going to need to rethink his game plan with OKC.

Ventura: He has The Brain. He’ll be fine.

Drop In back to his feet. Drop In hits the ropes then runs back at OKC. OKC goes high with a clothesline. Drop In ducks under and runs to the far ropes. OKC spins around. Drop In back in his face. Drop In jumps and wraps his legs around OKC’s head. Drop In lets gravity do it’s thing as he spins around on OKC. Drop In puts his arms out for maximum g-force. OKC eventually loses his balance and does a back flip, landing flat on his back on the mat. Drop In scrambles to his feet, OKC to his knees. Drop In runs at OKC. He goes for a shining wizard, but OKC ducks and Drop In runs right through. OKC gets to his feet. Standing drop kick from Drop In. OKC is rocked. Forearm from Drop In. Diving forearm from Drop In. OKC is stumbling backwards. Drop In nips back to his feet and throws a great dropkick. OKC stumbles from his feet and unfortunately, doesn’t hit the mat, but instead gets tangled within the top and middle ropes! Drop In takes the opportunity to attack the incapacitated OKC. Hard lefts and rights from Drop In, really working the face and forehead of OKC. Now forearms. Kid is fighting to get free. Drop In starts choking him. Jeff Eaglo starts a five count, 1.…2.…3.…4.… Drop In lets go, but goes right back to choking. 1.…2.…3.….4.… OKC ends the choking this time by kicking Drop In in the stomach. OKC works his left arm free, then his right.

Monsoon: And the champ is free.

Ventura: Drop In had entirely the right idea. While OKC couldn’t fight back, he attacked like an animal. He punched, he forearmed, he choked.

OKC is a little woozy. Drop In takes advantage to go to the top rope. OKC stumbles across the ring. Drop In waits for OKC to get into the best position and he dives off the top rope. High angle cross body from Drop In. But OKC seems him coming and catches him. OKC holds Drop In for a moment, Drop In fighting to get free. Elbows from Drop In. OKC is done humoring Drop In, and throws him up and over and across the ring with a fall away slam. Drop In pulls himself to his feet using the ropes. He’s to his feet but not all there. OKC like a beast charges forward and nearly beheads Drop In with a lariat.

Monsoon: What a Cassie Clothesline!

OKC down for the first pin fall of the match. Referee Jeff Eaglo down for the count, 1.…2.… kick out at two from Drop In. Kid slaps the mat three times, then holds up three fingers. Jeff argues that it was five. Kid shakes his head and gets to his feet. He pulls Drop In up. He stuffs Drop In, going for a power bomb or piledriver of some sort. But Drop In works his way all the way through Kid’s legs, hooks him, and victory rolls him. Referee Jeff Eaglo down for a count, 1.….2.… kick out at a long two from Kid. Both men get to a vertical base. Kid goes for a bicycle kick. Drop In rolls right under it. Drop In back up. Sunset flip by Drop In on Kid, but he can’t get the big man over. Kid simply sits down. Referee Jeff Eaglo down for the count, 1.…2.… Drop In gets his legs up and uses his leverage to flip OKC over, into a pinning position of his own. 1.…..2.… Kid stands up. Drop In is still hanging off his back, upside down. Kid takes a few steps, then drops down, dropping Drop In right on his head. OKC pulls Drop In to his feet. Drop In nails OKC in the chest with a double palm strike. Drop In hits the ropes. OKC throws a short arm clothesline, but Drop In baseball slides between the legs of OKC. Drop In throws a flurry of back chops to OKC. OKC turns around and Drop In darts into the ropes again. Drop In back at OKC. Drop In jumps onto OKC’s shoulders. OKC throws Drop In right down into the mat with a power bomb. OKC makes a cover on Drop In. 1.… Drop In throws a knee right in the kidneys of OKC and OKC has to get up. Drop In is lying flat on his back. OKC stands over him. OKC is trying to double ankle lock Drop In. Drop In wiggles one leg free and basically stands on his head to up kick Kid in the face. A second up kick attempt from Drop In is blocked. OKC rolls Drop In over, Drop In doing a full flip and landing on his feet. OKC has Drop In’ arms butterflied. He jumps up and drives Drop In face first in the mat.

Monsoon: Head Shticker from OKC!

OKC starts down for a cover. Drop In slinks out with a crawl before OKC can even make the cover for one. The story is told solely by the look on OKC’s face. It’s a look of pure shock and horror, disbelief almost. Drop In stumbles to his feet, before OKC can even accept what has happened. OKC gets to his feet and rushes at Drop In, drilling him with a bicycle kick that turns Drop In inside out. OKC pulls Drop In to his feet. OKC hoists Drop In up and drives him into the ground with the Bez Bomb. Drop In stumbles to his feet, but he’s out on his feet. He walks right into a huge OKC Roaring Elbow.

Monsoon: This may be it for Drop In.

Ventura: The kid has taken a tremendous beating and I don’t think anyone would fault him for staying down after a Bez Bomb, and everything else he’s taken. But he’s a fighter and Heenan is still in his corner. It ain’t over yet.

Drop In falls backwards, only managing to stay on his feet by grasping at the top rope. OKC runs across the ring. He’s going for another Roaring Elbow. But Drop In falls, pulling the top rope down. OKC flies right over the top rope and to the arena floor. OKC gets to his feet quickly, a bit disheveled about what has happened. Drop In, however, knows exactly what happened. He darts into the far ropes, runs back to the near ropes, turns, and delivers a baseball slide dropkick that takes out OKC on the floor! Drop In pulls OKC up. He points to the ring steps, then tries to whip OKC in that direction. OKC doesn’t budge, instead sending Drop In sailing the other direction, right into the time keeper’s table. OKC stalks after Drop In. Drop In to his feet. He has the ring bell. OKC doesn’t see it and walks up on Drop In still. Drop In whacks OKC right in the face, a loud “DING!” resounding.

Ventura: In the words of the Brain, “What the hell, use the bell!”


Drop In drops the bell. He grabs a cable cord. Drop In wraps the cord around the throat of OKC and pulls back, choking with all of his force. Kid manages to hit a back elbow that knocks Drop In down. OKC pulls the cord off his own neck. Drop In starts to crawl away to formulate a game plan. OKC has one. He pulls the cover off the announce table. He pulls Monsoon’s monitor out of the table, then Ventura’s. OKC grabs Drop In, stuffing his head between his legs. OKC lifts Drop In high into the air and power bombs him with brutal force onto the announce table. The table bows at the legs to the point the legs explode from underneath, Drop In crashing through the table and cords all the way to the arena floor.

Monsoon: He __st pow __om___ Drop In _____ table.

Ventura: You’re breaking up real bad. Never sounded better!

OKC grabs Drop In by the head and removes him from the rubble. OKC rolls Drop In into the ring. OKC slowly climbs to the ring apron, then gracefully into the ring between the top and middle ropes. OKC with a cover on Drop In, not even bothering to hook the leg, 1.…2.… Drop In puts his foot on the bottom rope stopping the count.

Ventura: I think after that power bomb through our table, Kid thought he had Drop In so beaten he didn’t need to worry about a proper cover or ring positioning.

Monsoon: Can you hear me?

Ventura: Unfortunately.

OKC pulls Drop In up. Drop In is limp in OKC’s arms. OKC takes a moment to catch his breath and it costs him! Drop In with a small package! Referee Jeff Eaglo down for the count, 1.….2.….. OKC kicks out with authority. Drop In stumbles to his feet. OKC beats him to a vertical base. OKC drills Drop In in the chin with a European Uppercut. Drop In slouches over. OKC makes a double leg sweep on Drop In. OKC starts to spin.

Monsoon: Spmack Swing from OKC!

Ventura: Drop In is stunned from that brutal European Uppercut.

One rotation, two rotations, three…. Four… five… six…. Seven…. Eight… nine… ten…. Drop In is holding his head for dear life as OKC ruthlessly spins him. Eleven….twelve.. Thirteen… fourteen…. Fifteen… sixteen… seventeen… eighteen… nineteen… twenty.. Kid shows no signs to slowing down as the crowd counts the rotations. Twenty one…. Twenty two… twenty three…. Twenty four…. Twenty five…Twenty six… twenty seven… twenty eight… twenty nine… thirty.. Kid is still spinning and is actually gaining speed! Thirty one…. Thirty two…. Thirty three…. Thirty four…. Thirty five…. Thirty six… the crowd continues to count along as Drop In holds on for dear life. Thirty seven…. Thirty eight…. Thirty nine…. Forty…. Forty one…. Forty two…

Ventura: Is he ever going to stop? Do something Bobby!

Monsoon: I think this is Kid’s plan. Spin Drop In until he literally cannot stand up, then pin him.

Forty four… forty five… Kid loses his grip. Drop In falls to the mat and drunkenly stumbles, literally unable to get to his feet. Kid doubles over a bit in dizzy pain. However, he grabs ahold of Drop In, throws him over his shoulder, and starts airplane spinning him! One spin, two… three… four…. Five.. Drop In starts throwing elbows to the head of Kid. Six…. Seven… Kid is forced to put Drop In down. Both men have no balance at all. Drop In however, jumps and nails Kid in the face with a flying knee and Kid goes down. OKC is down and not moving, but Drop In is unable to follow up, because he too falls to the mat in sheer dizziness. Kid stumbles to his feet first, still dizzy, and his nose now bleeding. Kid grabs Drop In by the head and pulls him to his feet. Double palm strike from Drop In to Kid. Kid grabs Drop In under both arm pits and violently throws him across the ring. Drop In scrambles right back to his feet. Drop In across the right diving, he catches Kid with a head scissors, the spinning motion taking the already dizzy Kid off of feet. Kid is on the mat almost dead center of the ring. Drop In goes to the corner, all the way to the top rope. Drop In delivers a Drop Dead Drunk Dive off the top rope. Drop In with a cover on Kid, referee Jeff Eaglo down for a count, 1.…2.…. Kick out from Kid. Drop In scrambles back to his feet. Standing moonsault from Drop In on Kid. Drop In back to his feet. Standing senton on Kid. Right back up, Drop In goes for a standing corkscrew splash, but Kid puts the knees up, right into the spine of Drop In. OKC gets to his feet. He grabs Drop In and locks him in a torture rack.

Monsoon: The Torture Rap from OKC.

Ventura: All rap is torture Geno. Give me the musical stylings of The Rolling Stones any day.

Monsoon: Oh my….

OKC stretches at Drop In hard, really pulling at the muscles in the stomach and back. Drop In starts throwing knees to the face of OKC. Drop In is trying to get free and after several knees to the face, he is able to get free. Spinning heel kick from Drop In as soon as he gets to his feet and OKC is taken right back to the mat. Drop In grabs OKC by his head. Drop In hits Kid with a knee to the face. Drop In backs off a little bit. He jumps up going for a Faceplant. Kid spins it and power bombs Drop In into the mat. OKC dead lifts Drop In off the mat. A second power bomb into the mat, this time with a pin. Jeff Eaglo down for the count, 1.…2.… kick out at two from Drop In. OKC gets to his feet. Blood is running down OKC’s chest from his nose, the sweat on OKC’s face and chest making the blood look much worse than it actually is. OKC grabs Drop In by his head. Drop In grabs the left arm of OKC, jumping up and wrapping his legs around the shoulder. Drop In is kicking mildly with his feet at Kid. Kid lifts Drop In up and drives him into the mat to break the cross arm breaker.

Ventura: Another power bomb. This one kind of a sideways power bomb.

Monsoon: Drop In had a pretty picture perfect cross arm breaker. But Kid almost killed him with that power bomb.

OKC is stalking over Drop In. Drop In slowly to his feet. OKC rushes and hits Drop In right in the face with a big kick. Drop In starts to fall. OKC grabs him by the head and stuffs him. OKC lifts Drop In, and drives him into the mat with the Bez Bomb!

Monsoon: That is the fourth power bomb in a row, and that’s the Bez Bomb!

Ventura: Plus the torture rack. Plus the power bomb through our table earlier. I don’t know how much more Drop In can take.

OKC pulls Drop In right back to his feet. OKC lifts Drop In up and throws him to the mat with a second Bez Bomb. Kid OKC makes a cover on Drop In. 1.…2.…3. The bell sounds. OKC climbs to his feet. Jeff Eaglo raises OKC’s hand

Winner: The Original Kid Cairo

Monsoon: And it’s over! The Original Kid Cairo retains his World Heavyweight Championship.

Kid is celebrating in the ring as Drop In gets to his feet. Bobby Heenan grabs a chair and tosses it to Drop In. Drop In looks at the chair, looks at OKC, and throws the chair away! Heenan is incensed. Kid comes off the ropes and sees what Drop In did. He and Drop In are in the center of the ring, deep in conversation.

Ventura: What is Drop In doing?!

Monsoon: He is finally standing up and being his own man!

Drop In extends his hand and Kid Cairo takes it. They shake hands!

Monsoon: What a moment here in the CSFMBWA! We’ll see you next time!


The Hawk wrote:
There is not a damned thing wrong with people who are bull shitters.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:52 pm 
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Terry's Peeps wrote:
Ventura: He’s locked on like a pitbull in Michael Vick’s yard, his front standing guillotine choke locked in.

Monsoon: ……

Ventura: Not cool?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't finished reading but I just had to acknowledge that exchange.

Kid Cairo's Boers & Bernstein YouTube Channel

Kid Cairo: 2013 March Madness Tournament Winner!

"Cowabunga? Cowa fucking piece of dog shit! This game is diarrhea coming out of my dick!"

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:59 pm 
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Back stage at the door to Hank's dressing room. Shut tight but the words are clear as day. We assume he is yelling at Phil.

What the hell was that? He was destroyed, the guy could barely stand and you blew it. What the hell is your problem?!? Do I have to do everything around here myself!
<sounds like something was thrown against the wall and shattered>

The door flies open and a startled Hank sees the camera.

Get that camera out of my face!!!!!

The camera is thrown down by Hank and goes to static.

drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:00 pm 
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Terry's Peeps wrote:
Referee Jeff Eaglo down for the count, 1.…2.… kick out at two from Drop In. Kid slaps the mat three times, then holds up three fingers. Jeff argues that it was five. Kid shakes his head and gets to his feet.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kid Cairo's Boers & Bernstein YouTube Channel

Kid Cairo: 2013 March Madness Tournament Winner!

"Cowabunga? Cowa fucking piece of dog shit! This game is diarrhea coming out of my dick!"

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:07 pm 
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Top to bottom, excellent show. Great action and story advancement. Can't wait to see where this goes.

Kid Cairo's Boers & Bernstein YouTube Channel

Kid Cairo: 2013 March Madness Tournament Winner!

"Cowabunga? Cowa fucking piece of dog shit! This game is diarrhea coming out of my dick!"

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:13 pm 
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Congrats on your first win Ivan. :D

Jimmymeatball, you will pay.

"He is a loathsome, offensive brute
--yet I can't look away."

Frank Coztansa wrote:
I have MANY years of experience in trying to appreciate steaming piles of dogshit.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:35 pm 
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RFDC wrote:
Congrats on your first win Ivan. :D

Jimmymeatball, you will pay.

The Whopper Dropper....That's great!! :lol: :lol:

favrefan said:"Chris Coghlan isn't gonna pay your rent, Jimmy."

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:30 pm 
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jimmypasta wrote:
RFDC wrote:
Congrats on your first win Ivan. :D

Jimmymeatball, you will pay.

The Whopper Dropper....That's great!! :lol: :lol:

Better than 2 weeks ago?

The Hawk wrote:
There is not a damned thing wrong with people who are bull shitters.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:19 pm 
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Boyd, Jackref, and Houston Homer.


Speeps and Drop In



The Hawk wrote:
There is not a damned thing wrong with people who are bull shitters.

Last edited by Terry's Peeps on Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:12 pm 
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:lol: :lol: Outstanding

Drop In wrote:
I'm picturing a 12 year old Bob Loblaw bitching out a Randy Savage Wrestling Buddy for botching his finisher. Also envisioning Bob Loblaw getting bitched at for lighting the living room table on fire for said finisher.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:14 pm 
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Hank Scorpio


drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:34 pm 
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Wow. This was epic. Thank you Peeps and Ugie and Bob for doing these. Honestly better than anything Vince and Co. have done in a decade.

Bobby Heenan wrote:
Oh...Eastern Illinois. They contacted me. I didn't take the entrance exam because I had 64 crayons instead of 3. But I loved going through Central Illinois. Watching people on bad cooked up Tide is the best.

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