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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:45 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:30 am
Posts: 4113
pizza_Place: Palermo's 95th
Good crowd. Pretty much sold out tonight. Much better than the abysmal 1,000 or so who attended the post-Labor Day Smackdown taping. 1/2 of the arena was tarped off for that one.

Michael Cole, Booker T and Josh Matthews on commentary. Lilian Garcia is the ring announcer.

Lilian introduced World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, who cut a brief promo to start the show. Sheamus said he loves to fight (a promo straight out of Finlay's playbook) so when Daniel Bryan asked for a rematch he simply answered "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" [Cue loud "YES!" chants from the Toledo crowd.] Out came Daniel Bryan. Sheamus continued "YESing" through Bryan's entrance. Doesn't look like we're getting the main event that was advertised last night.

1. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan fought to an apparent no-contest. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez interfered to cause the finish. Ricardo hit a (from my vantage-point) picture-perfect cross body on Sheamus followed by a kick from ADR. Bryan then locked Sheamus in the Yes! Lock before being pulled off by Scott Armstrong and Chad Patton. Daniel Bryan then argued with ADR and Rich Rod, almost coming to blows.

Backstage, the WWE medical staff evaluated Sheamus.

2. WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth defeated Hunico and Canacho. Primo, Epico and Rosa (accompanied by AW) were out before the bell to watch the match. They "scouted" from chairs that were set up on the ramp.

3. Brodus Clay defeated Jack Swagger (w/Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero) via DQ when Ziggler interfered. Ziggler took what looked like a hellacious bump from Brodus's running headbutt on the outside apron by the announce table. Dolph, again, sells like a champ. I'm interested to see how that looks on TV. Clay cleared the ring of Ziggler/Swagger following the interference and danced w/five kids in the ring (JYD-style) after the match. Nice touch.

The advertised main event for the night was now Randy Orton and Big Show vs. Kane and Cody Rhodes.

The same Extreme Rules video package from last night was shown, modified slightly to include the final segment from last night's Raw with John Cena and John Laurinaitis.

Eve was involved in a backstage segment with Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio. Nothing notable here.

Damien Sandow was shown walking down the hallway while piano music played in the background. He debuts next. [EDIT: Maybe not.]

Derrick Bateman got a jobber entrance.

Sandow entered to Leonard Cohen's classical music piece "Hallelujah." Funny stuff. He responded to a "WHAT?" crowd chant with "Thank you for your irrelevant contribution." He said he wouldn't indulge the WWE Universe or Bateman (whom he called a "miscreant") with a match. Sandow left. "You're welcome." Bateman demanded an opponent nonetheless. He got was Ryback.

4. Ryback defeated Derrick Bateman in a total squash.

5. Randy Orton and Big Show defeated Kane and U.S. Champion Cody Rhodes.

Backstage, Matt Striker caught up with Sheamus, who sported a heavily-taped shoulder and said he "came here to fight." Striker concluded that it looks like they'll have their match after all.

Vickie Guerrero re-emerged with Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. Swagger demanded a rematch from Clay, saying nobody could beat him twice in one night. Looks like they're re-taping this one.

6. Brodus Clay defeated Jack Swagger via countout. Much shorter match than the first. Ziggler's bump in this match was less impactful, taking a forearm from big Brodus. No kids into the ring to dance post-match this time. Expect a lot of post-production if this version of the match is used. The crowd was understandably bored seeing this the second time around.

Natalya came out for the jobber entrance.

7. WWE Divas Champion Layla defeated Natalya. Layla won in less than a couple of minutes.

Backstage, Eve directed the publicity photo shoot for Antonio Cesaro and Aksana and said something was missing. She said Cesaro looked too "dry" and asked for him to be oiled up. She told a staffer lady not to do it, instead demanding that Teddy apply the oil. He resisted at first, but after being told by Eve that he hadn't done anything all day, he gave in and rubbed down Cesaro. I'm disappointed I didn't get to see the former Claudio Castagnoli in action.

After the break, Kaitlyn told AJ she needed to stop having a pity party for herself. AJ delivered a hard slap to Kaitlyn that floored her.

Ricardo Rodriguez introduced Alberto Del Rio from the stage; ADR drove out in a fancy car. He is sitting in on commentary for the main event.

8. Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan to retain the World Hvt. Championship. Sheamus threw Bryan into ADR, knocking him through the ropes. While Sheamus was distracted by ADR and Rich Rod trying to regain their composure, Bryan snuck up to the top rope. He leapt into a Brogue kick and Sheamus covered him for the victory.

This concluded the Smackdown taping.

Antonio getting oiled up and the continuation of psycho stalker AJ are both hilarious to me.

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