Chicago Fanatics Message Board

A strong case to be made
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Author:  UmPhreak [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  A strong case to be made

I was just talking about this the other day too. It's an article talking about keeping track of some statistics that show hustle and defense. There are websites that keep track of important stats such as charges taken and closeaways (basically did u get a hand in the guys face before he shot). even things like boxing out on that shot even if you didnt get the board. I can understand why the nba doesnt necessarily keep track of all of that but they should at least keep an official count of how many charges a guy takes or gives. not to mention carries or traveling and other kinds of penalties. those calls would be easy enough to add. they have to stop the game for them anyway.

If basketball wants to close the gap a little on football, adding these cats would encourage players to play a more complete game and would make the nba much more competitive at least on the defensive end. there would be more to analyze and fans would have a better idea of the identities of the teams playing. also it would allow basketball nuts like me to go even more crazy. shit at the minimum I'd like to see charges taken as a fantasy basketball category.

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