I went the game on Friday. First Sox game of the year for me. My takeaways:
Great food as always. US Comiskerate always excels at this aspect of the fan experience.
It was Mullet night. I wore a mullet wig proudly and won $100 from our group for best mullet.
An extremely over served woman in the section next to us single handedly got a legitimate wave going. It took her a lot of yelling and beer spilling but still she persisted. Went around about 7 or 8 times. The wave seems like such a lame thing until one really gets going and then suddenly you get caught up in the moment and it realize it has its charm after all.
Awesome ending, if you don't get excited and go nuts for a walk off win, (unless your favorite team is getting beat
) then you just don't like baseball.
Nice fireworks show. Hank II enjoyed it, probably his favorite part. As a side note, my kid is such a fucking meatball Cub fan that anytime we did anything he had to ask "Is this a Sox only thing? I don't want to do Sox only cheers." I had to explain that the 'noise meter', the 7th inning stretch and the various coordinated cheers and clapping was not specific to the White Sox.
He wanted to wear his Bryant jersey so bad but I had to put my foot down.
My final point, who the hell are these guys? I follow local sports fairly closely but I only recognized about 3 guys in the starting lineup. The rest of the guys, I don't think I had ever even heard their names. It was like I got dropped into a different league.
drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.